geological-survey-of-queensland / borehole-database

Borehole database specification for Geological Survey of Queensland
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GSQ Borehole Database

Purpose of this document

Provide a specification for the new GSQ Borehole Database that:


A borehole is the generalised term for any narrow shaft drilled in the ground, either vertically, horizontally, or inclined.

A borehole may be constructed for many different purposes, including the extraction of water, oil, and natural gas, as part of a geotechnical investigation, mineral exploration, temperature measurement, for geothermal installations, or for underground storage of unwanted substances, e.g. in carbon capture and storage.

'Borehole' is synonymous with a range of terms including 'well', 'bore', 'drillhole' and 'corehole'.


The Borehole Database

The Geological Survey of Queensland is creating a new borehole database to replace the existing borehole functionality in the MERLIN system.

The primary focus of the database is to record details of the borehole entity and its primary attributes. This does not mean that we lose all of the other borehole-related data, we just capture and manage that data in a smarter way.

All borehole data currently stored in MERLIN will be migrated to the Borehole Database.

Borehole entities in borehole database can link to one or many datasets, e.g. wireline logs, cores and cuttings, geochemistry, etc.

While the borehole entity is generalised, datasets can be specialised for particular commodity groups and purposes.

Objectives of the Borehole Database

  1. Queensland Government knows the location, attributes, and nominal status of all boreholes in Queensland.
  2. The database helps government to perform custodianship of the borehole as an asset throughout its lifecycle.
  3. The database is a single system of record for all boreholes in Queensland.
  4. The database is integrated with data input mechanisms, data consumers, and data display systems.
  5. The database leverages schema-on-read (instead of schema-on-write) to be able to store all borehole data variations.

What the borehole database is not

The borehole database is not a complete well information management system for well planning and operations. There are multiple commercial systems that meet the extended data requirements of specific industries.


The borehole database is derived from the following standards:

Borehole data categories

Figure 1: Borehole data categories

The above diagram shows the broad categories of data that are recorded for boreholes and is not exhaustive. The intention of this diagram is to cause us to think of our data in a categorical way.

Borehole conceptual data model

Figure 2: Borehole conceptual data model

Borehole data elements

Data Element Description Detail
borehole_id A persistent identifier for the borehole. See PID below
borehole_name Unique name and/or number assigned to each borehole. Mostly named by industry using their naming conventions. Text
borehole_alias Names & identifiers that a borehole may otherwise be known as. Includes previous or alternate borehole identifiers assigned to the borehole by a regulatory agency. The borehole PID will be stored here. Text
association Relationship to other boreholes, e.g. parent, previous, etc. While the majority of relationships are 1:1, we allow for multiple associations recorded in a separate table. Key
purpose The purpose for which the borehole was drilled, e.g. petroleum, CSG, water injection, water observation, etc. Vocab
sub_purpose A narrower definition of the purpose, for example ‘Exploration’, ‘Appraisal’, ‘Development’, ‘Water supply’. Vocab
status The current status of the borehole, e.g. intended, cased and suspended, completed, on injection, on production, plugged and abandoned, suspended. Each change in status is recorded in a separate table. Vocab
origin_latitude Angular distance in decimal degrees, east or west of the prime meridian. A negative value represents a west longitude. decimal
origin_longitude Angular distance in decimal degrees, north or south of the equator. A negative value represents a south latitude. decimal
origin_elevation Elevation of the depth datum used as a reference for other measured well or borehole points. Number
origin_circumstance A term from a controlled vocabulary indicating the named position relative to ground surface where the borehole commenced, e.g. natural ground surface, open pit floor, underground, offshore. Vocab
depth_datum The point from which depths are measured in a well or bore (depth reference datum). For example: kelly bushing (KB), rotary table (RT) or ground level (GL). Vocab
total_depth Total or maximum measured depth of the borehole relative to the origin elevation. Number
borehole_design A term from a controlled vocabulary indicating the inclination type of the borehole. Terms include vertical; inclined up; inclined down, horizontal, deviated. Vocab
azimuth The angle (in degrees) of clockwise departure from true north to the borehole direction. --
inclination The angle (in degrees) at surface of borehole deviation away from the vertical. 0 degrees inclination is horizontal and -90 degree inclination is vertical (downward). Note: Inclination is dealt with differently by minerals and petroleum. Vertical is -90° in minerals and 0° in petroleum. --
drill_start_date Date the drilling operations commenced on the borehole, penetrating the ground surface. Date
drill_end_date Date the drilling operations for the borehole was completed at the total or maximum measured depth of the borehole. Date
rig_release_date Date the drilling rig was released from operations on the borehole. Date
permit_number The permit type and permit number under which the borehole activity occurred. A lookup to the permit register. Lookup
operator The organisation responsible for commissioning the borehole (as opposed to actually drilling the borehole). A lookup to the organisation register. Lookup
driller The organisation responsible for drilling the borehole (as opposed to commissioning the borehole). A lookup to the organisation register. Lookup
geometry A geospatial representation of the borehole as a point, polygon, or 3D geometry. Where borehole location in XYZ coordinates is not available, surrogate geometries can be used, e.g. permit geometry, block or sub-block, mapsheet. WKT
see_also Contains reference to JSON metadata and data files. Can also reference related documents or datasets. Hyperlink
remarks Any narrative comments or remarks about this borehole. Text

Data elements removed during review

Data Element Description
drilling_method A term from a controlled vocabulary indicating the drilling method used, e.g rotary air blast, auger, diamond core, air core, etc.
location_confidence An estimate of the accuracy of the location of the borehole collar location in metres. See Australian Map and Spatial Data Horizontal Accuracy Standard 2009

Wellbore data elements

A Wellbore is a unique drilled interval within the borehole, either the original borehole from the borehole origin to the terminating point, or additional footage from a point in an existing borehole to a new terminating point.

Wellbore is equivalent to Borehole Interval in GeosciML terminology.

Data Element Description Detail
wellbore_id A unique identifier for the wellbore. Constructed as
[borehole_id]+[Customer supplied identifier] or
[borehole_id]+[incrementing integer starting at 0] if no customer supplied identifier exists.
borehole_id The association between a Wellbore and the Borehole to which the interval belongs. Key
wellbore_association The association between this interval and the parent interval. Vocab
from_depth The measured distance of the start of the interval along the path of the borehole. decimal
to_depth The measured distance of the end of the interval along the path of the borehole. decimal
diameter The diameter of the drilled hole interval. decimal
drilling_method A term from a controlled vocabulary indicating the drilling method used, e.g rotary air blast, auger, diamond core, air core, etc. Vocab
drill_start_date Date the drilling operations commenced on the interval. date
drill_end_date Date the drilling operations for the interval was completed. date
see_also Contains reference to JSON metadata and data files. Can also reference related documents or datasets. Hyperlink

Borehole Sub-Tables data elements

Table Field Detail
Borehole_alias borehole_alias Records alternative identifiers for the borehole
Borehole_alias borehole_alias_source The source of the alternative identifier
Borehole_alias borehole_alias_reason A textual description of why the alias exists
Borehole_association borehole_id The identifier of the associated borehole
Borehole_association associate_type A controlled vocabulary of associations, e.g. redrill, re-entry
Purpose purpose Records the change in purpose over the life of a borehole, e.g. P&G borehole changes to a water bore. Lookup to a controlled vocabulary.
Purpose purpose_start_date The start date of the purpose
Purpose purpose_end_date The end date of the purpose, NULL until a new purpose row is added
Sub_purpose subpurpose Records the change in sub-purpose over the life of a borehole, e.g. P&G borehole changes to a water bore. Lookup to a controlled vocabulary.
Sub_purpose subpurpose_start_date The start date of the sub-purpose
Sub_purpose subpurpose_end_date The end date of the sub-purpose, NULL until a new sub-purpose row is added
Status status The status of the borehole, e.g. intended, cased and suspended, completed, on injection, on production, plugged and abandoned, suspended. Each change in status is recorded.
Status status_event The event that triggered the status change, e.g. lodging of notice of intention to drill, lodging of well completion report.
Status status_date The date of the status event.
Geometry geometry_id The PID of the geometry object
Geometry geometry_type A controlled vocabulary for geometry type, e.g. SHP file, CSV, GeoJSON
Documents document_id The PID of the document
Documents document_purpose A controlled vocabulary for document purpose

Inferred borehole data elements

Data duplication is avoided by creating a reference to data held in other registers, instead of copying that data into the borehole database. This reference allows us to infer the data relationships.

Data element How is it inferred?
Survey plan no Survey plans will be migrated from GEM to CKAN. The survey plan record will contain a reference to the borehole identifier. This data is currently held in GEM. The Survey Plan register will be migrated to the GDMP system. The Survey Plan number and link can be stored in the See Also field.
Company report number QDEX reports will be migrated to the new report database and will contain a reference to the borehole identifier. This data is currently held in MERLIN table bhf_borehole.
Wireline log Wireline logs will migrated to the samples and observations database and will have a reference to the borehole identifier. This data is currently held in MERLIN table bhf_wireline_logs.
Held Data for cuttings, cores and sidewall cores are currently held in MERLIN and will be migrated to the samples and observations database, with a reference to the borehole they were taken from.
Hold location This data is displayed in GeoResGlobe. Data will be migrated to the samples and observations database with a reference to the 'Held' data element.
Result Results will be migrated to the samples and observations database and will have a reference to the borehole identifier. This data is currently held in MERLIN table bhf_boreholes with a lookup to cpf_drill_results.

Other borehole data elements that require consideration

Data element Description Decision
QWRC RN This data is displayed in GeoResGlobe. Source is MERLIN bhf_boreholes table. Store in borehole alias
Hylog release date This data is displayed in GeoResGlobe. Of the 56000 boreholes in MERLIN, 306 have a record in this field. Link Core Library
Total depth logger This data is displayed in GeoResGlobe. Stored in Wireline Dataset
Perforation This data is displayed in GeoResGlobe. Stored in Perforation/Engineering Data

Borehole data mapping to industry reporting templates

Data Element Mineral P&G Coal PGGD01 PGGD02
borehole_id yes --- yes yes yes
borehole_name --- yes yes yes yes
borehole_alias --- --- --- --- ---
association --- --- yes --- ---
purpose --- yes yes yes yes
sub_purpose --- yes yes yes yes
drilling_method drill_type yes yes --- ---
status --- yes yes yes yes
status_event --- --- --- yes yes
status_date --- --- --- yes yes
origin_latitude easting --- yes yes yes
origin_longitude northing --- yes yes yes
origin_elevation yes --- yes --- ---
depth_datum --- yes yes --- ---
total_depth yes yes yes planned yes
azimuth yes - numeric yes - numeric --- --- ---
inclination yes - numeric yes - numeric yes - textual yes yes
origin_circumstance --- --- --- --- ---
drill_start_date yes yes spud_date estimated yes
drill_end_date yes yes yes estimated yes
rig_release_date --- yes --- --- yes
permit_type yes yes yes yes yes
permit_number yes yes yes yes yes
operator yes --- yes yes yes
driller --- yes yes --- ---
geometry --- --- --- --- ---

Borehole data mapping to standards

Data element MERLIN PPDM GeosciML CoalLog
borehole_id bore_no well_num - -
borehole_name primary_bore_name well_name drillhole_id borehole_name
borehole_alias secondary_bore_name
well_alias - -
purpose bore_type_code -- purpose borehole_type
sub_purpose bore_subtype_code -- -- --
drilling_method drill_method_code -- drillingmethod bit_type
status bore_status_code current_status -- borehole_status_x
status_date status_date current_status_date -- --
status_event -- -- --
origin_latitude bhf_locations surface_latitude location easting
origin_longitude bhf_locations surface_longitude location northing
origin_elevation ground_level_rl
+ collar_height
depth_datum_elev elevation --
depth_datum elev_datum_code depth_datum borehole-elevation-crs height_datum
total_depth total_depth_driller_MD final_td boreholelength total_depth
azimuth bhf_orientations
-- -- azimuth
inclination well_path -- inclinationtype inclination
origin_circumstance -- -- startpoint --
drill_start_date spud_date spud_date dateofdrilling drill_date
drill_end_date completion_date completion_date dateofdrilling complete_date
rig_release_date rig_release_date rig_release_date -- --
permit_type tenure_type lease_name -- lease_no
permit_number tenure_no lease_num -- lease_no
operator operator_code operator operator --
driller -- -- driller drill_company
geometry bhf_orientations -- -- --

Borehole vocabularies

The following vocabularies are required:

Vocabulary MERLIN GeoSciML PPDM CoalLog
borehole purpose greenhouse gas storage, petroleum, water, stratigraphic, mineral, coal, coal seam gas -- produce, inject, cycle, service, minerals, research, observation blasthole, coal quality, environmental, gas, geotech, hydrological, lox, service, structure
borehole sub-purpose exploration well, line of oxidation borehole, observation bore, geotechnical borehole, supply bore, collaborative drilling borehole, water injection well, test bore, scout well, reference bore, appraisal well, petroleum injection well, quality borehole, gas content borehole, structure borehole, coal seam gas injection well, exploration borehole, spontaneous combustion borehole, development well, collaborative drilling initiative well, geothermal heat flow bore, mineral & extractive industries appraisal borehole -- supply, storage, disposal, relief, strat hole --
borehole drilling method -- See vocab -- auger, blades/drag blade, hammer, mill claw, poly crystalline diamond open, rock roller/tricone, surface/wing, diamond core (wireline), poly crystalline diamond core (conventional), poly crystalline diamond core (wireline), tungsten carbide core (conventional)
borehole status plugged and abandoned, producing hydrocarbons, water bore, suspended/capped/shut-in, proposed to be drilled, never drilled, injecting -- active, in-active, plugged and abandoned, reclaimed backfilled, casing removed, cemented, completed, equipment in borehole, hazard in borehole, infrastructure, in progress, mined, piezometer, plugged, rehabilitated, unknown, water bore
borehole status event -- -- -- --
borehole design vertical, horizontal, vertical and horizontal -- vertical, horizontal, directional --
borehole origin circumstance -- -- -- --
depth datum -- -- -- --
borehole association -- -- -- --
geometry types -- -- -- --
document types -- -- -- --

Reporting guideline lookup values

Vocabulary P&G Mineral Coal
borehole purpose csg, petroleum, petroleum injection well, water injection well, water observation bore, water supply bore -- --
borehole sub-purpose exploration, appraisal, development -- --
borehole drilling method core impregnated, core PDC, core surface set, core TSD, fixed cutter PDC, hammer, roller cone, roller cone insert, roller cone milled tooth air core, auger mechanical, calweld large diameter, diamond drill hole, pre-collared drillhole, open hole percussion, rotary air blast hole, reverse circulation percussion, rotary mud, unknown drill type, vacuum bedrock drill hole, vibratory drill hole, sonic, water bore, navi drilling, sonic drilling --
borehole status cased and suspended, completed, on injection, on production, plugged and abandoned, suspended -- backfilled, casing removed, cemented, completed, equipment in borehole, hazard in borehole, infrastructure, in progress, mined, piezometer, plugged, rehabilitated, unknown, water bore
borehole status event -- -- --
borehole inclination vertical, deviated -- --
borehole origin circumstance -- -- --
depth datum rotary table, kelly bushing, ground level, other ground level, drillpipe collar, rotary table, other --

Borehole 'See also' field

The borehole database purposely focuses on the basic information about boreholes. Detailed and extended borehole-related datasets can be accessed through hyperlinks stored in the 'See also' field. This lets us link to any type of dataset, held by GSQ, GA, other government department, or other party. Dataset examples are:

Software design

The current MERLIN Oracle database is a relational database with 58 borehole-related tables:

The new software design will feature a relational database for the primary metadata, with the remaining metadata and data being stored as key-value pairs. For example, if the driller = ACME Drilling, the key is driller and the value is ACME Drilling. Another example is Rig Release Date (key) = 25-01-2018 (value).

For an example of borehole key-value pairs, load this borehole data extract. This will load an example online tool The JSON is in the left-hand pane, the visualisation of the JSON in the right-hand pane.

You can also try loading the JSON into Excel to the load the JSON file

Reporting & analytics

Borehole data compilations can be created in Amazon Redshift (data warehouse). For example, we could create a prepared view of all boreholes by region.

Data migration

Existing MERLIN data will be extracted from the Oracle database. Primary metadata will be written to the database, the remainder of the data written to JSON key-value pairs. ALL historical data required to be preserved will be stored in the new system.

Data extraction from new reporting guidelines

As data is submitted by industry through the lodgement portal, the borehole data can be harvested from the submitted Excel files. Primary metadata is written to the database, other data written to JSON key-value pairs.

Application programming interfaces (APIs)

APIs (a software intermediary that allows software applications to talk to each other) will be built to enable data sharing with other businesses.

Persistent Identifer (PID)

PIDs provide a globally unique, web resolvable identifer.

As we consider boreholes to be a type of site, they will follow the Site PID scheme:[prefix][site_id]

MERLIN uses a 6-digit incrementing number for the borehole number (currently up to 76720). The new borehole database will continue this numbering system.

We will use the prefix bh to indicate the type of site, appending the borehole number. As an example:

Spatial visualisation of boreholes

Boreholes and their metadata are available through the following spatial systems. Data flows to these systems must be changed from MERLIN to the new borehole database.

The GeoresGlob and the MapServer use the following layers. While some layers map to borehole purpose, others will need to be created by a view (e.g. Hylogged, Core Cutting or Sidewall Held:

Eastings Northings and Latitude Longitude

The borehole database data entry screens must cater for spatial location information in both:

See for instructions on coordinate conversions and how to reuse the HTML form field controls.

Migration of wireline logs and associated data

Wireline Log Migration Process

See also


This code repository's content are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), the deed of which is stored in this repository here: LICENSE.


Geoscience Information Team, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Resources, Brisbane, QLD, Australia,