georgegognadze / awesome-resources

:zap: Awesome coding resources for all stages and ages
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Awesome coding and learning resources for everyone. Most of these links will make your learning process fun and creative. These resources will help you become a programmer, challenge you to be better everyday and the best thing about it is that most of it are free.

Table of Contents


There is tag for every link it is either Free, Paid or Mixed.
:free: - Free
:moneybag: - Paid
:arrows_counterclockwise: - Mixed

Coding resources for beginners of all ages

Coding for younger beginners

The Hour of Code

Beyond an Hour

Learn to program with robots

Make your own games or apps

Make your own things using 3d printer

Apps for phones and tablets

Courses for advanced learners

Competetive programming

Free data to work with



To the extent possible under law, George Gognadze has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


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Happy learning :sparkling_heart: