georgeneokq / artifact-exterminator

Simple, flexible command-line tool for conducting anti-forensics (for research purposes only)
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Artifact Exterminator

This page is a user guide.

For developers, see the developer documentation.

For a high-level overview of this project, read this page.

A prebuilt binary can be downloaded from the releases folder.

Program arguments

Values should come after their flags, separated by spaces.


All-in-one example: Run sample malware and remove all traces

Download artifact-exterminator-malware, attach a .exe extension to the file name and run the following command.

artifact-exterminator.exe -f artifact-exterminator-malware.exe --args 15 -k "HKCU\Keyboard Layout\MaliciousKey1,HKCU\Keyboard Layout\MaliciousKey2" -v "HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse:MaliciousValue1,HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse:MaliciousValue2" --features registry,shimcache,prefetch,amcache -d 10

All-in-one example with kill switch

Run the following command with artifact-exterminator-malware:

artifact-exterminator.exe -f artifact-exterminator-malware.exe --args 15 -k "HKCU\Keyboard Layout\MaliciousKey1,HKCU\Keyboard Layout\MaliciousKey2" -v "HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse:MaliciousValue1,HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse:MaliciousValue2" --features registry,shimcache,prefetch,amcache -d 10 --killswitch-ip --killswitch-port 8080

When the program starts to indicate that it is attempting to connect to the specified kill switch, run the sample kill switch and wait the timeout until the kill switch is activated:


Open a file with notepad and remove traces after notepad is closed

artifact-exterminator.exe -f notepad.exe --args C:\Windows\win.ini

Open a file with notepad and remove traces after notepad is closed, and specified kill switch is activated

artifact-exterminator.exe -f notepad.exe --args C:\Windows\win.ini --killswitch-ip --killswitch-port 8080 --killswitch-poll 3