georgiakirkpatrick / veronaut-products-api

Fashion sustainability research, but make it shopping.
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Veronaut Products API

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Fashion sustainability research, but make it shopping.

Finding clothing and accessories that fit your body, style, budget is hard enough. If you have sustainability standards for your fashion purchases, it can feel impossible to find products that check all the boxes. That’s why I built Veronaut. Veronaut presents product information alongside sustainability ratings so you can make an informed decision while shopping online - without the hours of research.

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Table of contents
  1. About the project
  2. Features
  3. Getting started
  4. Features
  5. Contributing
  6. Contact
  7. Acknowledgments

About the project

Veronaut was created in 2020 as the capstone project for my Bloc (now Thinkful) Full-Stack Engineering bootcamp. The requirements for my capstone project were to create a responsive, full-stack app using React.js, CSS, Node.js, Express, and PostgreSQL. This was a solo project which I completed with occasional help from a mentor.

The early vision of this app resulted from my professional background. Before I joined a software engineering bootcamp, I earned a biology degree with a focus on environmental conservation and additional studies in economics, conducted research of smallholder cotton farms in Peru, and founded a mission-based clothing brand, Silvania. My background in the fashion industry, as well as my personal experience shopping for clothes, has led me to see that finding sustainably-made clothing as a consumer is unnecessarily cumbersome.

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Getting started

To get a local copy of Veronaut Products API up and running follow these steps.


Install or update Node.js and npm to the latest versions. For information about current versions of Node.js and npm, see the Node release schedule.


  1. In the command line, navigate to the directory where you would like to copy Veronaut Products API.
  2. Clone the veronaut-products-api repository.
    git clone
  3. Navigate to the veronaut-products-api directory and install the project's npm packages.
    cd veronaut-products-api && npm install

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Veronaut Products API is an open souce project. Any contributions you make to this project are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion about how to make Veronaut Products API better, please open an issue with the tag "enhancement". You can also fork the repo and create a pull request by following the steps below.

Don't forget to give this project a star! Thank you!

Fork the repository

Some of the instructions below use GitHub command line interface (CLI). You may learn more about GitHub CLI and install at "GitHub CLI quickstart".

  1. Fork the project and configure Git to sync your fork with the upstream repository. When prompted, type "y" and "return" (or "enter") to clone the veronaut-products-api files to your computer.

    gh repo fork --remote=true
  2. Navigate into the veronaut-products-api directory.

    cd veronaut-products-api
  3. Create a new branch to build your proposed feature and switch to your new branch. Replace "new_feature" with the name of your feature.

    git checkout -b feature/new_feature
  4. Build your new feature.

  5. Commit your changes. Replace "commit_message" with an informative description of your changes.

    git commit -m 'commit_message'
  6. Push to your branch. Again, replace "new_feature" with the name of your feature.

    git push origin feature/new_feature
  7. Open a pull request. Consider using pull request flags described in "Creating a pull request".

    gh pr create

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The best way to get in touch with me is to use the contact form on my website:

You can also connect with me on LinkedIn: Georgia's LinkedIn.


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