geosolutions-it / C106-2017

Ansible Automation
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Ansible Automation


Manager node:

Managed nodes:

Environment setup

Ansible by default manages machines over SSH and assumes SSH keys are being used. Ansible only needs to be installed on a machine to be able to manage other machines and it doesn't leave software installed or running on managed machines.

Install Python

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python

Install Ansible via pip

Install Pip

curl -o
python --user
export "PATH=$PATH:/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/"
echo "PATH=$PATH:/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc

Then install ansible

pip install --user ansible
ansible --version


The purpose of the credentials folder is to store sensitive data. The file 'id_rsa' is an encrypted private key, ansible can work with it via the credentials.yml file.

To launch ansible with the ability to unlock the encrypted file, add --ask-vault-pass to the launch command.

The encrypted file can be replaced with a clear text key, in such case launching ansible with --ask-vault-pass is unnecessary-

To modify the file, position yourself in Ansible and use the command ansible-vault edit credentials/id_rsa.

To replace the key with your own encrypted key, copy your key file inside credentials and launch ansible-vault encrypt credentials/filename

Run the playbook

It is the core component of this configuration, it contains all the tasks that are going to be performed and more environment specific options.

Change directory into Ansible folder, then update the inventory.ini file with the actual IP addresses of the target machines.

Unlocking Ansible Vault

To unlock the Ansible Vault a password is required. Such password can be input interactively at runtime by providing the --ask-vault-pass parameter to ansible or non interactivally via a vault password file. The path to such file can be set via a parameter to ansible or an environment variable:

Create the password file

echo "mypassword" > ~/.vault_pass
chmod 600 ~/.vault_pass

Using the password file parameter, appending the following to ansible commands:

--vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass

Via environment variable:

export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.vault_pass

Run the playbook for the load balancers

ansible-playbook loadBalancer.yml

Note: if password is required for sudo privileges on the target machine, append the --ask-become-pass parameter to the command above

Notable variables

Vars you may want to change / override in loadbalancer role: logs_retention which governs how long the log files are retained on the machine

Other customizations

In the templates directory for the loadbalancer role you'll find template files used for:

Run playbook for the webservers:

ansible-playbook webServer.yml --ask-vault-pass

Note: if password is required for sudo privileges on the target machine, append the --ask-become-pass parameter to the command above

As stated previously, remove --ask-vault-pass if you are not using any encrypted file.

You can limit your run to one or more roles or tasks by editing the playbook in this way

- { role: rolename, tags: "tagname" }

and launching the playbook with --tags "tagname"

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --ask-become-pass --ask-vault-pass --tags "tagname"

Notable variables

Vars you may want to change / override in the geoserver role: tomcat_allowed_origins: allowed Origins for Tomcat logs_retention: which governs how long the log files are retained on the machine audits_retention: which governs how long the log files are retained on the machine java_opts: which governs JVM, Tomcat and GeoServer settings git_username, git_email, repo_name, repo_url: which determine what Gitlab repository to clone the GeoServer datadir from and what git user settings geoserver_admin_user, geoserver_admin_pass: should match geoserver credentials set in the provided datadir from gitlab geoserver_pg_user, geoserver_pg_pass: these credentials will be used to create a user in PSQL and create the context.xml file with JNDI connection pool to PSQL for GeoServer

Other customizations

In the templates directory for the GeoServer role you'll find template files used for:

Perform GeoServer config updates:

ansible-playbook webServer.yml --ask-vault-pass --tags config_update

This will trigger two tasks in the play to: