Run with Docker:
A simple docker-compose is provived to setup the environment. For run it is enough to use the following command:
mkdir logs # first time only
sudo chmod 777 ./logs # first time only
docker-compose up
The first time may take a while before let the docker build the images.
During the development is not needed to restart the docker (unless new library are installed), because the main volume (logs, tests, dags and plugins) are mounted inside the docker.
When up airflow will be available at http://localhost:9000/airflow/home
Default user:
username: airflow
password: airflow
Run in local environment:
Create virtual environment for example:
conda create --name zamg python=3.9
conda activate zamg
Create the log folder:
mkdir logs # first time only
sudo chmod 777 ./logs # first time only
Install the requirements:
pip install -r develop-requirements.txt
Create a postgres database for airflow:
sudo -u postgres createdb zamg_airflow
Update the dev.env
file by changing the database connection and folder path
Set the new environment variables
set -a
. ./dev.env
set +a
Initialize the airflow database:
airflow db init
Create default user
airflow users create \
--username airflow \
--firstname FIRST_NAME \
--lastname LAST_NAME \
--role Admin \
--password airflow
Run the webserver and the scheduler:
airflow scheduler -D # will run as daemon
airflow webserver -p 9000
When up airflow will be available at http://localhost:9000/airflow/home