geosource-catalogue / core-geonetwork

GeoSource repository
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User documentation is in the docs submodule in the current repository and is compiled into html pages during a release for publishing on a website.

Developer documentation is also in the docs submodule but is being migrated out of that project into the Readme files in each module in the project. General documentation for the project as a whole is in this Readme and module specific documentation can be found in each module (assuming there is module specific documentation required).

Software Development

Instructions for setting up a development environment/building Geonetwork/compiling user documentation/making a release see: Software Development Documentation


With regards to testing Geonetwork is a standard Java project and primarily depends on JUnit for testing. However there is a very important issue to consider when writing JUnit tests in Geonetwork and that is the separation between unit tests and integration tests

org.fao.geonet.utils.GeonetHttpRequestFactory: When making Http requests you should use org.fao.geonet.utils.GeonetHttpRequestFactory instead of directly using HttpClient. This is because there are mock instances of org.fao.geonet.utils.GeonetHttpRequestFactory that can be used to mock responses when performing tests.