gera2ld / ai.nvim

A Neovim plugin powered by AI.
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A Neovim plugin powered by AI.

Supported providers:


Using lazy.nvim:

  dependencies = 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim',
  opts = {
    ---- AI's answer is displayed in a popup buffer
    ---- Default behaviour is not to give it the focus because it is seen as a kind of tooltip
    ---- But if you prefer it to get the focus, set to true.
    result_popup_gets_focus = false,
    ---- Override default prompts here, see below for more details
    -- prompts = {},
    ---- Default models for each prompt, can be overridden in the prompt definition
    models = {
        provider = 'gemini',
        model = 'gemini-pro',
        result_tpl = '## Gemini\n\n{{output}}',
        provider = 'openai',
        model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
        result_tpl = '## GPT-3.5\n\n{{output}}',

    --- API keys and relavant config
    gemini = {
      api_key = 'YOUR_GEMINI_API_KEY',
      -- model = 'gemini-pro',
      -- proxy = '',
    openai = {
      api_key = 'YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY',
      -- base_url = '',
      -- model = 'gpt-4',
      -- proxy = '',
  event = 'VeryLazy',

Alternatively, load API keys from an environment variable:

  "openai": {
    "api_key": "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY"
  dependencies = 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim',
  config = function ()
    local ai = require('ai')
    local ok, opts = pcall(vim.fn.json_decode, os.getenv('AI_NVIM_PROVIDER_CONFIG'))
    opts = ok and opts or {}
  event = 'VeryLazy',


Built-in Commands

" Define the word under cursor

" Define the word or phrase selected or passed to the command
:AIDefine happy

" Translate content selected or passed to the commmand
:AITranslate I am happy.

" Improve content selected or passed to the command
" Useful to correct grammar mistakes and make the expressions more native.
:AIImprove Me is happy.

" Ask anything
:AskAI Tell a joke.

Custom Prompts

  prompts = {
    rock = {
      -- Create a user command for this prompt
      command = 'GeminiRock',
      header_tpl = '## Rock\n\n{{input}}',
      prompt_tpl = 'Tell a joke',
      require_input = false,

      -- Optionally override the default models
      models = {
          provider = 'gemini',
          model = 'gemini-1.5-pro',
          result_tpl = '## Joke from Gemini\n\n{{output}}',

The prompts will be merged into built-in prompts. Here are the available fields for each prompt:

Fields Required Description
command No If defined, a user command will be created for this prompt.
loading_tpl No Template for content shown when communicating with AI. See below for available placeholders.
prompt_tpl Yes Template for the prompt string passed to AI. See below for available placeholders.
result_tpl No Template for the result shown in the popup. See below for available placeholders.
require_input No If set to true, the prompt will only be sent if text is selected or passed to the command.

Placeholders can be used in templates. If not available, it will be left as is.

Placeholders Description Availability
{{input}} The text selected or passed to the command. Always
{{output}} The result returned by AI. After the request

Placeholders can be used along with helpers to transform the values, in the form of {{ input |> helper1 |> helper2 }}. For example, {{ input |> json_encode }} will be replaced with json_encode(input).

Possible helpers are:

Helpers Description
json_encode Encode the data as JSON

We can either call a prompt with the associated command:


or with its name:

:lua require('ai').handle('rock')

Custom Keymaps

-- Add a keymap to enter the popup
vim.keymap.set('n', '<enter>', require('ai.util').enterPopup)

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