gerdos / pyMUT

MIT License
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PyMut: A rotamer based mutation library implemented in Python


PyMUT offers a fast and reliable way to introduce mutations using the Biopython

Command line tool

git clone
cd pyMUT
python3 test/5e0m.pdb A 44 TYR

If you want to use PyMUT as a python library (recommended) close the repository and place its location inside your $PYTHON_PATH environment variable

Programmatic usage

from pymut import *
from Bio.PDB.PDBIO import PDBIO
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser

parser = PDBParser(QUIET=1)
structure = parser.get_structure("my_structure", "5e0m.pdb")
all_atoms = list(structure.get_atoms())
mutate(structure, 'A', 44, 'TYR', mutation_type='first')

io = PDBIO()

The resulting PDB file will contain the mutation. Please note, that resulting PDB file will only contain ATOM coordinates.

Original residue Mutated residue
alt text alt text


The mutate function takes the following arguments

Parameter Type Default Description Required
chain str - Chain identifier of the residue you want to mutate Yes
resnum int - Position of the residue you want to mutate in the PDB file Yes
mutate_to str - 3 letter IUPAC amino acid code (only the 20 standard residues are available) Yes
rotamer_lib object None Preloaded rotamer library returned from the load_rotamers function. If not given, it will be loaded separately for each PDB mutation call No
mutation_type str 'first' How to select the rotamer. 3 possible options: first: Select the most likely rotamer based on probability in the library. random: Select a rotamer randomly based on the probability in the library. best: Select the best rotamer based on VdW energy. bestother: Select best rotamer based on VdW energy only considering atoms in other chains No


PyMUT requires numpy and Biopython. The current implementation was tested on version 1.19.3+ and 1.7+ respectively

To install numpy on a standard Linux system

pip3 install numpy
pip3 install biopython

Before use

The algorithm assumes continuous neighboring residues, which is required for the dihedral calculations.

N and C terminal residues should be omitted, as the PHI and PSI angles are not defined. The algorithm will assume 0 for the missing degree

References, licenses

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

The rotamer library is based on the following article:

A Smoothed Backbone-Dependent Rotamer Library for Proteins Derived from Adaptive Kernel Density Estimates and Regressions Maxim V. Shapovalov Roland L. Dunbrack Jr.

The rotamer library is licensed by Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, and can be freely used, modified and distributed.