gerencio / docker-ambari

Docker image with Ambari
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Ambari on Docker

DockerPulls DockerStars

This projects aim is to help you to get started with ambari. The 2 easiest way to have an ambari server:

Amazon is getting cheaper and cheaper, so its absolutely reasonable to spend the price of a cappuccino to try ambari on EC2. But sometimes you want it for 'free' or for whatever reason you don't want to use AWS.

You could go than for a virtual instance, and the use virtualbox or vmware, but Docker has some benefits:

Install Docker

Follow the description at the docker getting started page for your appropriate OS: (Linux, Mac, Windows)

Note: If you are using boot2docker make sure you forward all ports from docker:

Starting the container

This will start (and download if you never used it before) an image based on centos-6 with pre-installed Ambari 2.1.0 ready to install HDP 2.3. This git repository contains an ambari-functions script which will launch all the necessary containers to create a fully functional cluster. Download the file and source it:

. ambari-functions or source ambari-functions

Now you can issue commands with amb-prefix like:


To start a 3 node cluster:

amb-start-cluster 3

It will launch containers like this (1 Ambari server 2 agents 1 consul server):

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                  STATUS              NAMES
089f7f9e0b9e        sequenceiq/ambari:2.1.2-v1     "/start-agent"           Up 5 seconds        amb2
0bd64322fe07        sequenceiq/ambari:2.1.2-v1     "/start-agent"           Up 6 seconds        amb1
c7225f18fb0c        sequenceiq/ambari:2.1.2-v1     "/start-server"          Up 7 seconds        amb-server
bdca911bf416        sequenceiq/consul:v0.5.0-v6    "/bin/start -server -"   Up 13 seconds       amb-consul

Now you can reach the Ambari UI on the amb-server container's 8080 port. amb-settings for IP:


Cluster deployment via blueprint

Once the container is running, you can deploy a cluster. Instead of going to the webui, we can use ambari-shell, which can interact with ambari via cli, or perform automated provisioning. We will use the automated way, and of course there is a docker image, with prepared ambari-shell in it:


Ambari-shell uses Ambari's new Blueprints capability. It just simple posts a cluster definition JSON to the ambari REST api, and 1 more json for cluster creation, where you specify which hosts go to which hostgroup.

Ambari shell will show the progress in the upper right corner. So grab a cup coffee, and after about 10 minutes, you have a ready HDP 2.3 cluster.

Multi-node Hadoop cluster

For the multi node Hadoop cluster instructions please read our blog entry or run this one-liner:

curl -Lo .amb && . .amb && amb-deploy-cluster