gestadieu / sfAdminThemejRollerPlugin

Symfony admin generator with jQuery UI Theme Roller integration
MIT License
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sfAdminThemejRoller plugin


The sfAdminThemejRollerPlugin packages a new admin generator theme based on jQuery UI ThemeRoller (

This plugin allows to change the default admin generator theme to one based on the theme roller from jQuery UI team. It is very convenient to change themes and keep UI consistency all around or even create your own theme. This admin generator theme is only targeting the actual element of the admin generator (table, forms...), it does not modify your overall layout.

Here are some screenshots: Table list and themes | Filters and action menu | Form


1.Download and install the plugin

    ./symfony plugin:install sfAdminThemejRollerPlugin --stability=beta

2.Clear the cache

    ./symfony cc

3.Publish the plugin's assets:

    ./symfony plugin:publish-assets

How to use it

Generate an admin generator:

    ./symfony --theme=jroller doctrine:generate-admin

OR if you already have an admin generator, you can simply change the theme inside your generator.yml

    theme: jroller

In any case don't forget the traditional:

    ./symfony cc

That's it! You are ready to use your new admin generator face.


1. jQuery related configuration

You can use your own jQuery/jQueryUI and your own theme (based on ThemeRoller) and configure all this inside your app.yml:

    web_dir:      /sfAdminThemejRollerPlugin # specify your folder where to pick jquery and jquery UI.
    use_jquery:   true # default. use the packaged jquery/UI
    theme_dir:      /sfAdminThemejRollerPlugin # default. change the theme directory
    theme:        redmond # default. 
    css_reset:    true # default. reset default css (from Blueprint CSS)


To add icons on your buttons/links you can use those proposed by ThemeRoller and include them in your generator.yml:

    _new: { ui-icon: plus }
    _edit: { ui-icon: pencil }

Note: you only need to use the specific part of each icon name, not the all name, e.g. for 'ui-icon-plus' you only type 'plus'.

2. Extra features configuration

This plugin add as well some new features. Currently available:

2.1 Extra parameter

    theme:      jroller
    extra:      [show, print, export]

Note: currently only the show extra feature is available.

2.2 Show view

In your generator.yml file you can now add at the same level of 'list', 'edit' and so on, the following:

    list: ~
        title: ...
        display: ...
        actions: ...

