getDanArias / generator-deca-angular

Angular generator for Deca Projects
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Yeoman deca-angular generator

Smart Yeoman generator for AngularJS - powered by Gulp


Install yo, gulp, bower, generator-deca-angular:

npm install -g gulp bower yo generator-deca-angular


yarn global add gulp bower yo generator-deca-angular

To use Sass, you will need to first install Ruby and Sass:

Make a new directory, and cd into it:

mkdir my-new-project && cd $_

Run yo deca-angular

yo deca-angular

If you have yarn installed:

Note: This requires yarn v0.16 or higher.

yarn start

If you prefer to use npm, please modify the package.json file script property:


"start": "yarn && bower install && gulp"


"start": "npm install && bower install && gulp"

and then run:

npm start

start is a script that will install the node and bower packages as well as start the Gulp automatic build workflow. Gulp will be running continuously in the background until you decide to stop it (CTRL + C in the Mac). A browser tab/window will open to display the application. Every time that you make a change to a non-library, non-node-module .css, .html or .js file, the browser will reload and display the changes automatically.

Use the prompts to enter the project and author name.


For the project’s JavaScript files, please follow this naming convention as it helps Gulp sort out your AngularJS files and inject them automatically in the correct order:

  Each file type is denoted by its ending name.
  A dot (.) should be placed before the name expect for the app.js file
  For example: sample.controller.js
  The files will be injected in index.html in this order from top to bottom.
  This ensures that each file has its proper dependencies injected before its
  own injection.


  // Non-Angular scripts are injected last.


Building for GitHub Pages:

At any stage of your development, you can build/re-build the docs folder that will be used by Github Pages as the source of content for your Page by running this command in another terminal window:

gulp build:docs

The docs folder will be create (or deleted and re-created) and populated with the transformed .scss and .js files along with the other project files needed to have a working page equal to the one you have been playing around with during development.

To enable this Github feature: