getlackey / cms

DEPRECATED - see /getlackey/lackey-cms for latest version
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

DEPRECATED - see /getlackey/lackey-cms for latest version

Lackey CMS


Nodejs and MongoDb need to be already installed in the system.

If you don't have Bower and Grunt already installed:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install -g bower


$ cd app
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt build

You can then run the app with either:

$ grunt 


$ npm start

Grunts default task uses supervisor and watch to keep updating when any file is changed. Keep an eye on the shell messages as the compile steps may break.


The config file can be found in /config. Check for documentation.

This project accepts 2 environment properties:

NODE_ENV has to be one of development, staging or production. By default it will be set as development.

PORT can be an HTTP Port or an Unix Domain Socket. By default it will be port 8000.

App Login

username: password: lackeyio