getporter / porter

Porter enables you to package your application artifact, client tools, configuration and deployment logic together as an installer that you can distribute, and install with a single command.
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Add PostgreSQL support as alternative data storage #3236

Open robinbraemer opened 1 week ago

robinbraemer commented 1 week ago

See #3235



kichristensen commented 1 day ago

@robinbraemer Just let us know when you want some feedback. I have skimmed through it, and it looks good on the surface.

robinbraemer commented 11 hours ago

@robinbraemer Just let us know when you want some feedback. I have skimmed through it, and it looks good on the surface.

@kichristensen I just got the first working install outside of tests.


Can you look into whether this SQL schema makes sense? For example, there are ParameterSet columns in the installations table. Does Mongo store copy the parameters into an installation object and update it on upgrades? If yes, that's good for the installation's parameters' immutability.

Should the slice of params/creds in installations be foreign keys or allow loose reference and deleting from the parameter sets table without affecting the installations that used those (I like this more).

Are empty string "" namespaces treated equally to global namespaces. I might ensure that those are actually NULL in the table to ensure queries work as expected. There are possibly other cases where we should use NULL (gorm default:null struct tag) instead of the zero value

Other than those clarifications you can start to review more, ideally, we should also test Postgres in the integration tests

robinbraemer commented 10 hours ago

Here is a schema dump from my local cockroach instance after a fresh sql/migrate.Migrate.

create table goose_db_version
    id         bigint    default nextval('public.goose_db_version_id_seq'::REGCLASS) not null
        primary key,
    version_id bigint                                                                not null,
    is_applied boolean                                                               not null,
    tstamp     timestamp default now()                                               not null

create table installations
    id                         text not null
        primary key,
    schema_type                text,
    schema_version             text,
    name                       text,
    namespace                  text,
    uninstalled                boolean,
    bundle_repository          text,
    bundle_version             text,
    bundle_digest              text,
    bundle_tag                 text,
    custom                     jsonb,
    labels                     jsonb,
    credential_sets            jsonb,
    parameter_sets             jsonb,
    parameters_schema_type     text,
    parameters_schema_version  text,
    parameters_namespace       text,
    parameters_name            text,
    parameters_labels          jsonb,
    parameters_parameters      jsonb,
    parameters_status_created  timestamp with time zone,
    parameters_status_modified timestamp with time zone,
    status_run_id              text,
    status_action              text,
    status_result_id           text,
    status_result_status       text,
    status_created             timestamp with time zone,
    status_modified            timestamp with time zone,
    status_installed           timestamp with time zone,
    status_uninstalled         timestamp with time zone,
    status_bundle_reference    text,
    status_bundle_version      text,
    status_bundle_digest       text,
    constraint idx_installations_namespace_name
        unique (namespace, name)

create table results
    schema_version  text,
    id              text not null
        primary key,
    created         timestamp with time zone,
    namespace       text,
    installation    text,
    run_id          text,
    message         text,
    status          text,
    output_metadata jsonb,
    custom          jsonb

create index idx_results_namespace_installation
    on results (namespace, installation);

create index idx_results_run_id
    on results (run_id);

create table outputs
    schema_version text,
    name           text,
    namespace      text,
    installation   text,
    run_id         text,
    result_id      text,
    key            text,
    value          bytea,
    constraint idx_outputs_result_id_name
        unique (result_id, name)

create index idx_outputs_namespace_installation_result_id
    on outputs (namespace asc, installation asc, result_id desc);

create index idx_outputs_namespace_installation_name_result_id
    on outputs (namespace asc, installation asc, name asc, result_id desc);

create table runs
    schema_version                       text,
    id                                   text not null
        primary key,
    created                              timestamp with time zone,
    modified                             timestamp with time zone,
    namespace                            text,
    installation                         text,
    revision                             text,
    action                               text,
    bundle                               text,
    bundle_reference                     text,
    bundle_digest                        text,
    "parameterOverrides_schema_type"     text,
    "parameterOverrides_schema_version"  text,
    "parameterOverrides_namespace"       text,
    "parameterOverrides_name"            text,
    "parameterOverrides_labels"          jsonb,
    "parameterOverrides_parameters"      jsonb,
    "parameterOverrides_status_created"  timestamp with time zone,
    "parameterOverrides_status_modified" timestamp with time zone,
    credential_sets                      jsonb,
    parameter_sets                       jsonb,
    parameters_schema_type               text,
    parameters_schema_version            text,
    parameters_namespace                 text,
    parameters_name                      text,
    parameters_labels                    jsonb,
    parameters_parameters                jsonb,
    parameters_status_created            timestamp with time zone,
    parameters_status_modified           timestamp with time zone,
    custom                               jsonb,
    parameters_digest                    text,
    credentials_schema_type              text,
    credentials_schema_version           text,
    credentials_namespace                text,
    credentials_name                     text,
    credentials_labels                   jsonb,
    credentials_credentials              jsonb,
    credentials_status_created           timestamp with time zone,
    credentials_status_modified          timestamp with time zone,
    credentials_digest                   text

create index idx_runs_namespace_installation
    on runs (namespace, installation);

create table credential_sets
    schema_type     text,
    schema_version  text,
    namespace       text,
    name            text,
    labels          jsonb,
    credentials     jsonb,
    status_created  timestamp with time zone,
    status_modified timestamp with time zone,
    constraint idx_credentials_namespace_name
        unique (namespace, name)

create table parameter_sets
    schema_type     text,
    schema_version  text,
    namespace       text,
    name            text,
    labels          jsonb,
    parameters      jsonb,
    status_created  timestamp with time zone,
    status_modified timestamp with time zone,
    constraint idx_parameters_namespace_name
        unique (namespace, name)