getporter / porter

Porter enables you to package your application artifact, client tools, configuration and deployment logic together as an installer that you can distribute, and install with a single command.
Apache License 2.0
1.2k stars 199 forks source link
cnab cncf hacktoberfest porter

CNCF Sandbox Project porter OpenSSF Best Practices


Package your application, client tools, configuration, and deployment logic into an installer that you can distribute and run with a single command. Based on the Cloud Native Application Bundle Specification, CNAB, Porter provides a declarative authoring experience that lets you focus on what you know best: your application.

Learn all about Porter at

Porter Mixins

Mixins provide out-of-the-box support for interacting with different tools and services from inside a bundle. You can always create a mixin, or use the exec mixin and a Custom Dockerfile if a custom mixin doesn't exist yet.

Porter Mixins are available for below platform's:

Platform Supported?
Docker ✔️
Docker-Compose ✔️
Kubernetes ✔️
Helm ✔️
GCloud ✔️
Terraform ✔️
aws ✔️
Azure ✔️
exec ✔️

Porter Plugins

Plugins let you store Porter's data and retrieve secrets from an external service.

Porter Plugins are available for below platform's:

Platform Supported?
Hashicorp ✔️
Azure ✔️
Kubernetes ✔️


Looking for Contributors

Want to work on Porter with us? 💖 We are actively seeking out new contributors with the hopes of building up both casual contributors and enticing some of you into becoming reviewers and maintainers.

Start with our New Contributors Guide Porter wouldn't be possible without our [contributors][contributors], carrying the load and making it better every day! 🙇‍♀️ [contributors]: / # Do you use Porter? Take our [user survey]( and let us know if you are using Porter. Project funding is contingent upon knowing that we have active users! # Roadmap Porter is an open-source project and things get done as quickly as we have motivated contributors working on features that interest them. 😉 We use a single [project board][board] across all of our repositories to track open issues and pull requests. The roadmap represents what the maintainers have said that they are currently working on and plan to work on over the next few months. We use the "on-hold" bucket to communicate items of interest that do not have a maintainer who will be working on them.

Check out our roadmap

[board]: [version strategy]: