getsafepay / safepay-node

Safepay node.js client
MIT License
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Safepay NodeJS SDK

Official nodejs library for Safepay API.


With Yarn

yarn add @sfpy/node-sdk

With NPM

npm install @sfpy/node-sdk


Import and create a Safepay client by passing your config;

import { Safepay } from '@sfpy/node-sdk'

const safepay = new Safepay({
  environment: 'sandbox',
  apiKey: 'sec_asd12-2342s-1231s',
  v1Secret: 'bar',
  webhookSecret: 'foo'

You can now create payments and checkout links.


Create payment

Parameter Type Required
amount number Yes
currency PKR, USD Yes
const { token } = await safepay.payments.create({
  amount: 10000,
  currency: 'PKR'

// Pass `token` to create checkout link


Create checkout link

Parameter Type Description Required
token string Token from safepay.payments.create Yes
orderId string Your internal invoice / order id Yes
cancelUrl string Url to redirect to if user cancels the flow Yes
redirectUrl string Url to redirect to if user completes the flow Yes
source string Optional, defaults to custom No
webhooks boolean Optional, defaults to false No
const url = safepay.checkout.create({
  orderId: 'T800',
  cancelUrl: '',
  redirectUrl: '',
  source: 'custom',
  webhooks: true

// redirect user to `url`



Parameter Type Description Required
request object The req object from your server Yes
const valid = safepay.verify.signature(request)

// mark the invoice as paid if valid
// show an error if invalid


Parameter Type Description Required
request object The req object from your server Yes
const valid = await safepay.verify.webhook(request)

// mark the invoice as paid if valid
// show an error if invalid


Create subscription link

Parameter Type Description Required
planId string The plan id corresposnding to the plan you created on Safepay's merchant dashboard Yes
reference string Uniquely identify subscription with your internal identifier e.g. order_id Yes
cancelUrl string Url to redirect to if user cancels the flow Yes
redirectUrl string Url to redirect to if user completes the flow Yes
    cancelUrl: '',
    redirectUrl: '',
    planId: 'plan_33e626b3-d92e-40b3-a379-4f89d61f8c83',
    reference: 'cc3f2475-4fb1-4d80-99f8-3a582a496fa6'
  .then(url => {
  .catch(error => {

// redirect user to `url`

Create authorization token first and then generate subscription link

Parameter Type Description Required
planId string The plan id corresposnding to the plan you created on Safepay's merchant dashboard Yes
reference string Uniquely identify subscription with your internal identifier e.g. order_id Yes
cancelUrl string Url to redirect to if user cancels the flow Yes
redirectUrl string Url to redirect to if user completes the flow Yes
authToken string The generated authentication token Yes
// To create subscription url

const generateUrl = (token: string) => {
  return safepay.checkout.createSubscriptionWithToken({
    cancelUrl: '',
    redirectUrl: '',
    planId: 'plan_33e626b3-d92e-40b3-a379-4f89d61f8c83',
    reference: 'cc3f2475-4fb1-4d80-99f8-3a582a496fa6',
    authToken: token

// To generate authentication token

  .then(token => {
    // redirect user to `url`
  .catch(error => {

Cancel Subscription

Parameter Type Description Required
subscriptionId string The id for subscription you wish to cancel Yes
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

Pause Subscription

Parameter Type Description Required
subscriptionId string The id for subscription you wish to cancel Yes
behavior string 'KEEP_AS_READY' or 'MARK_UNCOLLECTIBLE' or 'MARK_VOID' Yes

Opt for marking the payment transaction as 'KEEP_AS_READY' during the pause, to retain payment readiness during subscription pause and automatically adjust the billing cycle for uninterrupted service when the payment ends

Opt for marking the payment transaction as 'MARK_UNCOLLECTIBLE' during the pause, indicating no collection attempts during this period. Ideal for mainting clear billing records

Opt for marking the payment transaction as 'MARK_VOID' during the pause, rendering it null and preventing any accidental payment processing. A safeguard for for accurate financial records

    behavior: SubscriptionPauseBehavior.MarkUncollectible,
    subscriptionId: 'sub_c94f2ffa-78cf-4de5-80c0-f57e3d1ce746'
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

Resume Subscription

Parameter Type Description Required
subscriptionId string The id for subscription you wish to cancel Yes
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {