getsentry / pdb

A parser for Microsoft PDB (Program Database) debugging information
Apache License 2.0
367 stars 68 forks source link
debugging microsoft-pdb pdb rust-library tag-production


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This is a Rust library that parses Microsoft PDB (Program Database) files. These files contain debugging information produced by most compilers that target Windows, including information about symbols, types, modules, and so on.

The PDB format is not documented per sé, but Microsoft has published information in the form of C++ code relating to its use. The PDB format is full of... history, including support for debugging 16-bit executables, COBOL user-defined types, and myriad other features. pdb does not understand everything about the PDB format, but it does cover enough to be useful for typical programs compiled today.

Documentation on


pdb's design objectives are similar to gimli:

Usage Example

use pdb::FallibleIterator;
use std::fs::File;

fn main() -> pdb::Result<()> {
    let file = File::open("fixtures/self/foo.pdb")?;
    let mut pdb = pdb::PDB::open(file)?;

    let symbol_table = pdb.global_symbols()?;
    let address_map = pdb.address_map()?;

    let mut symbols = symbol_table.iter();
    while let Some(symbol) = {
        match symbol.parse() {
            Ok(pdb::SymbolData::Public(data)) if data.function => {
                // we found the location of a function!
                let rva = data.offset.to_rva(&address_map).unwrap_or_default
                println!("{} is {}", rva,;
            _ => {}


Example Programs

Run with cargo run --release --example <name>:

Real-world examples:


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