getsentry / sentry-powershell

Sentry for PowerShell
MIT License
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_Bad software is everywhere, and we're tired of it. Sentry is on a mission to help developers write better software faster, so we can get back to enjoying technology. If you want to join us, [**check out our open positions**]( # Sentry SDK for PowerShell [![Tests](]( [![Discord Chat](]( PowerShell Sentry SDK is a thin wrapper on top of [Sentry .NET SDK]( with some quality of life improvements for PowerShell users. Although the underlying .NET SDK is proven in production, the PowerShell Sentry SDK is in its very early stages and is not recommended for production use. ## Packages * [Sentry on PSGallery]( ## Compatiblity The PowerShell Sentry SDK is tested to work with: - Windows PowerShell 5.1 - PowerShell 7.2+ on Windows, macOS, and Linux ## Documentation Sentry has extensive documentation for its SDKs on - [PowerShell SDK]( - [.NET SDK]( ## Resources - [![Discord Chat](]( - [![Stack Overflow](]( - [![Twitter Follow](](