geyang / gym-dmc

DeepMind Control Suite plugin for gym
MIT License
5 stars 3 forks source link

gym-dmc, OpenAI Gym Plugin for DeepMind Control Suite

Link to other OpenAI Gym Plugins:

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The dm_control dependency relies on lower versions of setuptools and wheel. Downgrade to fix the installation error.

pip install setuptools==65.5.0
pip install wheel==0.38.4
pip install gym-dmc

How To Use

Usage pattern:

import gym

env = gym.make("dmc:Pendulum-swingup-v1")

For the full list of environments, you can print:

from dm_control.suite import ALL_TASKS

print(*ALL_TASKS, sep="\n")

# Out[2]: ('acrobot', 'swingup')
#         ('acrobot', 'swingup_sparse')

We register all of these environments using the following pattern:

acrobot task "swingup_sparse" becomes dmc:Acrobot-swingup_sparse-v1

You can see the usage pattern in ./specs/

env = gym.make('dmc:Walker-walk-v1', frame_skip=4, space_dtype=np.float32)
assert env.action_space.dtype is np.float32
assert env.observation_space.dtype is np.float32

env = gym.make('dmc:Walker-walk-v1', frame_skip=4)
assert env._max_episode_steps == 250
assert env.reset().shape == (24,)

env = gym.make('dmc:Walker-walk-v1', from_pixels=True, frame_skip=4)
assert env._max_episode_steps == 250

env = gym.make('dmc:Cartpole-balance-v1', from_pixels=True, frame_skip=8)
assert env._max_episode_steps == 125
assert env.reset().shape == (3, 84, 84)

env = gym.make('dmc:Cartpole-balance-v1', from_pixels=True, frame_skip=8, channels_first=False)
assert env._max_episode_steps == 125
assert env.reset().shape == (84, 84, 3)

env = gym.make('dmc:Cartpole-balance-v1', from_pixels=True, frame_skip=8, channels_first=False, gray_scale=True)
assert env._max_episode_steps == 125
assert env.reset().shape == (84, 84, 1)

Note, the max_episode_steps is calculated based on the frame_skip. All DeepMind control domains terminate after 1000 simulation steps. So for frame_skip=4, the max_episode_steps should be 250.

Built with :heart: by Ge Yang