gezielcarvalho / aero-zone-guard

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Aero Zone Guard - Airspace Construction Assessment System

The Aero Zone Guard is a software solution designed to automate the analysis and assessment of construction projects in relation to their potential impact on aviation safety and airspace management. Whether it's a new building, antenna, or airport, the system evaluates potential threats and interference with existing aviation infrastructure before authorizing construction. Developed to streamline the reception, analysis, and decision-making process, this software facilitates the flow of electronic documentation through various sectors of the aeronautical authority, ultimately leading to the issuance or denial of clearance for the proposed project.

Key Features

Technologies Used

Installation and Setup

Clone the repository:

git clone

Set up the backend:

  1. Navigate to the /backend directory:
    cd backend
  2. Install dependencies:
    dotnet restore
  3. Set up environment variables and configure the database connection in appsettings.json or secrets.json.
  4. Run migrations:
    dotnet ef database update
  5. Start the backend server:
    dotnet run

Set up the frontend:

  1. Navigate to the /frontend directory:
    cd frontend
  2. Install dependencies (if needed):
    npm install
  3. Build and start the frontend server:
    npm start
  4. Access the application at http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.


  1. Submit electronic documentation for construction projects through the system.
  2. Pre-analysis is performed based on geographic data and elevation information to assess potential threats and interference with aviation infrastructure.
  3. Documentation flows through different sectors of the aeronautical authority for review and decision-making.
  4. The system facilitates the emission of a final decision by the aeronautical authority, granting clearance or issuing a denial based on aviation safety concerns.


Contributions to the Aero Zone Guard are welcome! Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request with your improvements.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.