gf-dcc / portal
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Gray Foundation Data Portal (in development)

This repo contains the source code for the Gray Foundation Data Portal.

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app

For devs/maintainers


There is currently no backend; it's a fully static site, i.e. all filtering happens on the frontend. Data comes from Synapse backend tables. A script generates a JSON file that contains all the data.

Getting Started


Clone this repo and run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing any page. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.


Alternatively, we have set up a devcontainer config, so start a GitHub codespace and do the same thing above. You should be able to preview and develop inside the container, seeing app changes in real time.

Codespace screenshot


Updating data

Whenever the app is run, you should see the unzipped public/processed_syn_data.json created from public/processed_syn_data.json.gz. Updating data means some extract/transform steps to create a new version of this gzipped archive: export data from Synapse, transform it into the structure needed, then compress to archive format. This is handled by the script in data/export_syn_data.clj. Have babashka installed and a valid SYNAPSE_SERVICE_TOKEN stored in the environment*, then at the root of project do: bb data/export_syn_data.clj.

For windows visual studio code, use Ubuntu WSL then install babashka using

(curl -s

Start the dev app to see expected changes.

The script will generally need to be updated in cases where the backend tables/configuration changes or the data needs to be transformed differently.

*Note: All of this is set up if in Codespace, and authentication will work as long as you are on the org team.

Testing, PRs and Deployment

TODO: more automated tests.

Currently, the main "test" is currently building the project in PR previews. Merges into develop or main will also be deployed automatically with Next.js.

Learn More about Next.js

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: