gfax / rbot-junkyard

Junkyard card game for rbot.
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Junkyard card game for rbot.


Drop junkyard.rb in your rbot's plugin folder and run !rescan to reload your plugins. Type !help junkyard (or simply !help junk) for more information. Any available config options can be found using !config search junkyard.


Your Turn: When it's your turn to play, pick an opponent to attack, or a Support card if you wish to heal. Instead of attacking, you may discard any cards you don’t want. If you have no playable cards, you must discard. You cannot pass! After discarding or playing an attack, your turn is over.

Discarding: If you decide on your turn to discard instead of attacking, you may discard any cards, then immediately draw cards until you have 5 cards back in your hand.

Drawing: At the beginning of your turn, you immediately draw back up to 5 cards if you have less than 5 in your hand. At the end of your move, you do not draw back the cards you used unless your move was discarding or a card you played specifically grants you the privilege to draw cards.

Attack Cards and Unstoppable Cards: As the name implies, Attack cards are played against the opponent you wish to attack. If the card has a red number next to the name, this tells you how much damage that player will receive if they don’t counter the attack. Attack cards may have a (purple?) number by their name as well, which tells you how many turns that opponent will lose if they don’t block or dodge it. Unstoppable cards, as the name implies, are attacks that the opponent cannot counter. They will also have indicators for damage the opponent will receive or amount of turns the opponent will miss. Many attack cards have a special function (see card descriptions for details.)

You’re Attacked!: You can decide whether to respond to an Attack card, or pass up the chance and simply accept your fate. Counter cards are played to negate or mitigate the damage you receive when being attacked. If you Counter an attack with a Grab, then you must also play an Attack, Support, or Unstoppable card face down along with it. Grabs do not block Attacks, but they offer a chance to counter-attack or heal immediately after you are attacked. Your opponent must respond to your Grab by countering your hidden card or by passing and accepting fate.

Grab Cards: Although they are Counter cards, you can also use them to Grab other players on your own turn. Players can’t play a Dodge card when being grabbed. You must lay your intended Attack/Unstoppable/Support card underneath the Grab, face down. The attacked player doesn’t get to see what card is attacking him until he responds with a Counter or passes. If the card that grabbed him turns out to be an Unstoppable attack, any counter card played against the Grab's hidden attack is thwarted and discarded.

Disaster Cards: Disaster cards affect either all players or a random player. They do not consume a turn. Play these cards at the beginning of anyone’s turn before any attacks commence. The current-turn player finishes drawing before the effects of the Disaster card are processed. Disaster cards cannot be countered.

Along with the cards themselves, keep a memo pad to keep track of health and a 6-sided die handy to roll for random attacks (like Avalanche and Bees). Assign each player to a number, starting with the player about to play the card, then roll to see who gets hit. It’s also easier to keep track of whose turn it is by passing the die around. Whether you start the game going clockwise or counter-clockwise entirely depends on your hemisphere.

When a player gets a miss-turn card played against him, he keeps the card in front of him, face-up, and discards it after missing the turn. Other conditional cards (Bees, Deflector, Energy Drink, etc.) are also kept in front of the affected player until expiring. For cards with 2-turn misses, tap the card (turn it sideways) after expending one of the two misses. In the event of multiple miss-cards affecting a player, only one card is expended each turn.

Attack Cards:

Unstoppable Cards:

Special attack cards that cannot be countered.

Support Cards:

Play these on your turn in place of attacking if you so wish.

Counter Cards:

Disaster Cards:
