gfhuertac / myGengo-Wordpress-plugin

A plugin to translate content of a wordpress blog using
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MyGengo plugin for Wordpress – User guide

Tested with wordpress 3.0.4


Initializing the plugin

Before using the myGengo plugin, you need to add the keys to use it. You can get keys for the plugin at

There are two options for adding the keys on this plugin. Each used can add her own set of keys, or the administrator can add a public set of keys that can be used by any contributor of the blog. If you choose the former, we need to add the keys in the ‘MyGengo’ section of the administration page, specifically in the ‘Personal Settings’ page. There are several options on this page:

After you enter and save your keys, you will see two new elements:

This is all you need to do as a user. Now, let’s see the administrator’s interface.

The interface is quite similar, but there are a couple sections that are of interest:

Adding a translation job

There are several ways to add a new translation job from the contents in the blog. You can add a new translation of a post , page or comment by clicking in the ‘Written in’ column located on their listings, or you can click on the ‘Translate’ button located at the ‘MyGengo’ meta box at the post, page and comment edition, or you can simply click on the ‘Add new job’ link at the MyGengo section in the administration.

If you choose the latter, you can select a post or page, and assign it to the current job, by using the toolbar at the top of the Order Information.

After you add content to your order and selected the source and target languages and the tier, a ‘Get quote’ button will appear. You have to click it to get a quote and check if your credits are enough to pay the job.

If you have enough credits, a button ‘Order & pay now’ will appear and you can pay for your job. If credits are not enough, a button with a link to the myGengo site will appear, so the user can add more credits to her account.

If everything goes OK, you will be redirected to the jobs page. This page contains a list of all the jobs posted by a user.

You can click on the ID of each job to check its status. This page displays the original text and language, and previews of translation and current translations and target language, if available. According to the status there are different actions you can perform:

When the status of the job is ‘reviewable’, the user can approve the translation and add feedback for myGengo and for the translator. She also can reject the translation by clicking the ‘Reject’ button or request modifications by clicking the ‘Request Corrections’ button. In the latter cases, a new layer with the form to fill will appear. The user then must fill-up this form and submit the content.

Publishing a job

If a job was approved by the user, he can choose to leave the job in the DB only, or to publish it as some content in the blog. If he chooses the latter, this plugin provides the user with options on the right-hand side of the job preview page. There are 2 default options:

The default behavior can be extended by the user by creating new TextSources. A TextSource is a class that contains some methods that allow us to create new contents based on the job content. Moreover, these sources are the ones that parse the existing content to be in the form of a job. The MyGengo plugin defined three main TextSources: PostTextSource (and PageTextSource): to manage the content from post and pages CommentTextSource: to mange comments DummyTextSource: to manage any other content

Each source defines a post_type, used to describe the content it can parse and create. The predefined types are ‘post’, ‘page’, ‘comment’. You can use any other type, and it will be handled by the dummy text source.

In general terms, these classes implementes the following functions: function accept($post_type): that returns true if the source can handle the content type function retrieveFormElements(): used to display the assignation form at the order page function getAssignedTo(): that retrieves a label and hidden fields for the current assignment function getTextToTranslate($requestvars): the text to be included in the job function getPrimaryLanguage(): the source language of the job function getWordcount($unit): deprecated function retrievePublishableAs($jobid): the new content that can be created with this source function publishAs($jobid, $requestvars): to handle the publication

Once they are created, they can be added to the current sources by calling the mygengo_registerTS method, which just receives the name of the class to instantiate as a parameter. More details on how to add new sources will be added soon. In the meantime, the user can refer to the mygengo-textsources.php file for more details on implementation.

UI elements

This plugin contains son widget, short codes and functions to be used at the user interface.


Go to Appearance > Widgets in the left sidebar of your Dashboard. Drag the two "Translations" widgets to your sidebar and click "Save Changes".

Short codes

The easiest way to integrate myGengo to your site is by adding short codes to your posts/pages or anything you want. Short codes not only allows you to display current translation for ANY section of your site, but also allows you to translate the same section.

There are two types of short codes:

  1. mygengo_st that shows the translation to the element you desired
  2. mygengo_t4e that allows you to add a translation to textarea

The former sort code can be used with any text inside a 'div' tag. This short code insert code that displays the available translations of the content inside the div, and allow users to order more translations. You only need to add something similar to the following short code next to your element:

[mygengo_st post_type="post" post_id="0" element_id="" include_text="0"]

The arguments post_type and post_id allows the system to process properly the content. If you use one of the predefined types – post, page, comment – then if the user requests a translation, the system will read the content from the database. If the post_type is a custom one, then the user should set the include_text to 1. The combination of the post_type and post_id uniquely defines a job and therefore should be used carefully. The element_id argument refers to the div that contains the text to be translated.

For example, if a user wants to display the content of a post in several languages, but does not want to publish the new translations, he can perform the following steps: Inside the original post, the user must add the short code, setting the id to the post id. Since this is part of the post and not the complete post, set the type to ‘post-content’ or any other not predefined name. Also, the content to be translated must be wrapped inside a div. This div should be identified with a unique id. This is will be the element_id argument.

Then, at the post page, if the user clicks on the ‘Add a translation’ link located where she placed the short code, it will be taken to the new job page, with the content of the div. The user must follow the flow showed in section 3 to approve the job. After the job is approved, if the user goes back to the post page a flag with the translation should appear.

If the user clicks on the flag, the translation content will replace the original content.

This is very easy to do, but some users may prefer to add php code at the templates, to avoid writing the post id hardcoded at the post content. To do this, you have to include the following code in the Single Post file of the theme:

The second short code is used to add text to text areas. It is useful for replying comments in different languages. It works in a similar way to the previous short code, but: The element MUST be a text area The argument ‘include_text’ is not used

Functions for displaying translations

You can also add links to translations (based on translatemyblog code):

To display translation links under the title of the post (where they'll be more visible to users), go to Appearance > Editor, edit your Main Index Template (tipically index.php or loop.php) and insert

before the line

or after the post title.

To display links back to the original post on the translation page (along with links to translations in other languages) edit your Single Post (single.php) template and insert

before the line

or after the post title.