gfontenot / atxfccutcrew

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Database Setup

After installing Postgres, run:

createuser atxfccutcrew --pwprompt --superuser
# Enter password atxfccutcrew when prompted
createdb atxfccutcrew
createdb atxfccutcrew_test

Haskell Setup

  1. If you haven't already, install Stack
    • On POSIX systems, this is usually curl -sSL | sh
  2. Install the yesod command line tool: stack install yesod-bin --install-ghc
  3. Build libraries: stack build

If you have trouble, refer to the Yesod Quickstart guide for additional detail.


Start a development server with:

stack exec -- yesod devel

As your code changes, your site will be automatically recompiled and redeployed to localhost.


stack test --flag atxfccutcrew:library-only --flag atxfccutcrew:dev

(Because yesod devel passes the library-only and dev flags, matching those flags means you don't need to recompile between tests and development, and it disables optimization to speed up your test compile times).


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