ggatward / soe-ci-pipeline

Jenkins Pipeline SOE builder
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Continuous Integration Pipeline Scripts for Satellite 6


Continuous Integration for Infrastructure (CII) is a process by which the Operating System build ("build") component of a Standard Operating Environment (SOE) can be rapidly developed, tested and deployed.

A build is composed of the following components:

The CII system consists of the following components:


This is a re-hash of the framework created by Nick Strugnell and the RedHatEMEA team. Their original CI code can be found at


The following steps should help you get started with CII. This set of scripts and the instructions below build a RHEL 6 Server and RHEL 7 Server SOE in parallel using the same artifacts for both releases. If you only require one or the other, that should also work.

Jenkins Server

Git Repository

Satellite 6

The CII scripts were originally written and tested on Satellite 6.1, but have since been updated to work with 6.2.x.

These CII scripts use r10k to deploy puppet environments to the Satellite server. Further information on the configuration of r10k and Satellite 6 can be found at

NOTE - After upgrading the Satellite version the puppet.conf configuration must be re-applied, as the Satellite upgrade will reset it to defaults

Satellite 6 Capsules


The PARAMETERS file contains global environment variables that are used by the CII scripts. Please set these variables as per your environment and commit the updated file to your git repository. It will be pulled from git each time the Jenkins job runs (configuration as code)

ORG=                   Name of your Organization, as defined in Satellite 6
SATELLITE=             FQDN of the Satellite 6 server
PUPPET_LOCATIONS=      Comma seperated list of locations to enable the SOE puppet environment
PUSH_USER=             Username used to login to Satellite 6
KNOWN_HOSTS=           Location of the PUSH_USER's known_hosts file
RSA_ID=                Location of the public SSH key to use for PUSH_USER
EMAIL_TO=              Space seperated list of email addresses to recieve notifications from Jenkins

To configure the test hosts, locate the file jenkins-config/soe_2_dev.groovy within the CII scripts GIT repository. At the top of this file is a groovy 'map' definition, defining the description and hostname of each test host. The format must remain as shown below with no spaces in the definition, and the FQDN of each test host.

def devHosts = [

Whenever hosts are added or deleted from this configuration, the SOE_Bootstrap job must be run to re-generate the Jenkins build and test job definitions.

Getting Started

Develop your SOE build in your DEVELOPMENT branch checkout of RHEL-SOE. Jenkins will use the development branch whilst building and testing the development SOE. The master branch will be the Production SOE, and will be managed by the Jenkins promotion workflow.

Building the Development SOE

The first time you build the SOE, the initial artefacts will be generated and pushed to the Satellite server. One thing that needs to be done AFTER this first build is to associate the Development SOE Kickstart template with the Development SOE hostgroups, so that the test build hosts will kickstart from the DEV products. This is done by editing the SOE_dev_kickstart template and setting the association tab to contain not only the relvant OS selections, but also the development host group and environments.

When you are ready to test the SOE in the DEVELOPMENT environment, simply run the 'Server SOE' job from the SOE folder. Alternatively, you can use the 'Run' button from the 'Dev SOE Pipeline' view. The build will progress along the pipeline, with all configured test hosts being rebuilt in parallel. Once the hosts are built, they will have the test cases run against them. Only if ALL of the hosts test cases pass will the Dev build be marked as successful. On a successful development build cycle, the main 'Server SOE' job will be marked with a promotion icon indicating that the dev testing was good. At this point it can be manually promoted to the Production environment if desired.

Promoting the SOE to production

When everything has tested successfully and the 'Validated in Dev' auto-promotion status has been set on the base 'Server SOE' job, the build can be promoted to production my clicking the 'Promotion Status' link in the job, or by clicking on the promotion icon for a specific build.

The promotion process will do the following (using the stored SCM Git checkout that passed the dev testing):