line in the c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\php.ini
filecomposer install
in the c:\wamp\www\ggc-talk
in the url barFile
then Import
Existing Projects into Workspace
then select the ggc-talk
repositoryRoute::group(array('before' => 'auth'), function() {
// insert route that can only be accessed by a logged in user
Route::group(array('before' => 'guest'), function() {
// insert route that can only be accessed by a non-logged in user
You might want to use this to keep users from going to a route directly via URL. For example, if you had the login route under the guest filter, any logged in users going to the login URL will be redirected to the home page.
@if(Auth::user() -> role == 'Admin')
<!-- insert admin specific html code here -->
You can access a logged in user's attributes to display or check against. The example above accesses the user's role. In addition to role, you can access id, email (though email and id are the same), first_name, and last_name.
// This returns true if the user is logged in
// This returns true if the user is not logged in
You might want to use this for a specific element that you only want admins to see. For example, you might want admins to be able to see a button to delete comments on the gallery page, but you wouldn't want standard users to see the button.
Where do I set my Database Configuration?
Database configurations are found in Database configurations: ggc-talk/app/config/database.php
Make sure the configurations are pointed too the MYSQL instance that you have set up.
I set up composer and I still can't run the application!?
on the command line, make sure you run the command: php artisan migrate
This command updates your MySQL database changes so that you have a Database Version control. Basically, it makes sure your database is up to date.
I added a new custom class but Laravel can't see it!?
Please make sure to run the command 'composer dump-autoload' in the root of the application. Alternatively, you can explicityly add a directory to the ClassLoader::addDirectories in the app/start/Global.php file.
Packages are the primary way of adding functionality to Laravel.
Description:Self validation for Models.
[Laravel4Generators]((https://github.com/JeffreyWay/Laravel-4-Generators "L4 Generators")
Description: extends php artisan generate command for faster workflow and uniform coding standard.