This repository contains the source code of the project from the fourth/project section of the Learn PHP The Right Way series from YouTube.
The main branch will always contain the latest or most up-to-date code for the project. If you want to just work with the finished project/code then stick with the main branch. Each lesson will also have dedicated branches: PX_Start & PX_End. X in here indicates the lesson number & P indicates the section. You will find lesson numbers in the thumbnail of the videos. The Start & End simply indicate the starting code at the beginning of the video & the ending code by the end of the video. Note that some videos may not contain the PX_End if the code was not changed. If you want to follow along the video & code along with me then pick the branch appropriate for the lesson that you are watching & make sure it's the one with _Start. If you just want to see the solution or the final code for that lesson then you can use the branch appropriate for the lesson with _End (if applicable).
Here are some examples:
composer install
& npm install
after you pull the latest changes or switch to a new branch so that you are always using the same versions of dependencies that I do during the lessonsnpm run dev
if you want to build assets for developmentnpm run build
if you want to build assets for productionsnpm run watch
if you want to build assets during development & have it automatically be watched so that it rebuilds after you make updates to front-enddocker-compose up -d --build
to rebuild docker containers if you are using docker to make sure you are using the same versions as the videos