ghk / kawaldesa

Aplikasi transparansi penyaluran dan realisasi dana desa
MIT License
13 stars 10 forks source link

Kawal Desa

Source code untuk, aplikasi transparansi penyaluran dan realisasi dana desa.

Build Status

Kontribusi diterima dengan terbuka. Saran/bug/diskusi bisa di

Hak Cipta Kontributor & Relawan, source code berlisensi AGPL

Code Overview

Currently built with C# WebAPI, Typescript and angularjs:



  1. Create a symlink from asp-scaffold's Scaffold folder to Scaffold directory; right under this root directory (for example in windows mklink /j Scaffold ..\asp-scaffold\Scaffold)
  2. Create a new postgresql database, copy the connectionStrings.config.example to connectionStrings.config, change the database settings on it.
  3. Copy appSettings.config.example to appSettings.config.
  4. Open the project in Visual Studio; Build and let it download the nuget dependencies.
  5. Open nuget package manager, run update-database
  6. You can run it now; but to have all regions, you need to load SQLs\Seeds\combined.sql, e.g. psql -U postgres kawaldesa < SQLs\Seeds\combined.sql
  7. Run App projects! You can login with username: 'admin' or 'volunteer' and password: '123456'

Current Contributors