ghorsey / EdBindings

A tiny tool for the game Elite: Dangerous allowing the user to search through their key bindings and have friendly labels for their HOTAS
MIT License
17 stars 6 forks source link


This is a little windows application that reads the key bindings file so that it can be searchable and mappable to keys.


Device Mapping Files

  1. The device mapping files are found in the DeviceMappings folder.
  2. The files are in JSON format using the following Schema:
  "name": "{{Friendly Device Name, will appear in menu}}", 
  "controls": [
      "deviceId": "{{The device from the ED binds file}}",
      "deviceName": "{{Friendly Device Name to show in the table}}",
      "controlLabel": "{{Friendly name for the key to show in the table}}",
      "controlValue": "{{The key value from the ED binds file}}"
    // additional controls

See X56.json for a complete example.

Please Send a PR with additional Devince Mapping Files

Please open a PR or start a discussion with your mappings
