ghosts-network / gateway

RESTful public API for GhostNetwork education project
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GhostNetwork - Gateway

Gateway is a part of GhostNetwork education project and provides public REST API

Project overview



copy provided dev-compose.yml and customize for your needs


Environment Description
CONTENT_ADDRESS Address of publication service instance
PROFILES_ADDRESS Address of profiles service instance
AUTHORITY Address of oauth2 authority server
AUTHORITY_REQUIRE_HTTPS Indicate AUTHORITY server https required. Default true
SHOW_PII Show PPI inside log. Default false
MESSAGES_ADDRESS Address of messages service instance
NEWSFEED_ADDRESS Address of news feed service instance
FILE_STORAGE_TYPE Represent type of storage for files. Options: local, service_bus. By default service_bus
BLOB_CONNECTION Connection string to blob storage. Required for FILE_STORAGE_TYPE=service_bus


To run dependent environment use

docker-compose -f dev-compose.yml pull
docker-compose -f dev-compose.yml up --force-recreate