giacomoni / raynet

MIT License
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RayNet - RL Training Platform for Network Protocols

System software components

This repository contains RayNet's source code and some scripts to train and evauate RL models.

The system integrates the core Omnet++ discrete event simulator with its linked simulation libraries and Ray/RLlib through pybindings11. The figure below depicts the different packages/libraries in RayNet:

Raynet requires (at least) the following third party (open-source) software:

If you require to build TCP/IP simulation models, or reproduce the results of our RL-driven congestion control policy, you'll also need:

RLComponents is part of our distribution and include ad-hoc components (Stepper, Broker, RLInterface) that allow simulations to run agents that make decisions in a time discrete fashion.

Custom Components refers to any simulation component that the user may need when modelling simulations. For our RL-driven congestion control protocol, the following libraries are required (ecmp, rdp), both included as submodules in this repository.


The project has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04, with Omnet++ v5.6.2, pybind11 v2.7.1. Required dependencies are:

To be able to reproduce congestion control results, you will also need to install:

Building instrutions

Building RayNet consists in several compilation and linkink steps:

The new python module can now be imported and used to implement environments following the OpenAI Gym API.

Step 1 - Clone this repo

Clone this repository and its submodules

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 

Step 2 - Build Omnet++ libraries

Download Omnet++ (version 5.6.2) and install in HOME directory, following these instructions.

Step 3 - Build simulation libraries.

Libraries should be compiled using the opp_makemake utility provided by Omnet++. This utility generates the Makefile to compile library components to be used with Omnet++.

cd <custom_model>
opp_makemake -o <custom_library_name> --make-so -M release 

The script contains instruction to build the simulation components.

P.S. The command line instructions to build INET are not included in the script. Follow the library's instruction and build the library in your HOME directory.

Step 4 - Compile binding module

The binding module is build using cmake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Release | Debug] ../

The output is a python module that can be imported with the standard import clause in a python script. The name of the module is defined in the CMakeLists.txt.

Step 5

RayNet was developped on Python 3.10.

The last step consists in setting up the python environment, with required packages.

Set up training environment

Check the Manual.pdf in the documentation for details on how to set up the training for your learning agents.