The front-end web interface with accompanying API for the collection of language tools. A Svelte (pure svelte, not sveltekit) web app, which builds into an html/css/js bundle, hosted statically, that queries a Python-based API for it's dynamic content.
See the full documentation at [][].
Clone the repo, then install and run the client.
git clone
cd fst-web-interface/client
npm install
npm run dev
The client uses an api, so open up another terminal and run
cd fst-web-interface/api
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn src.main:app --reload
See the site at [localhost:5173][localhost:5173]. The API has two nice OpenAPI interfaces at [localhost:8000/docs][localhost:8000/docs] and [localhost:8000/redoc][localhost:8000/redoc]. See the full documentation for more.