giezu / LaunchkeyMiniMK3

Reverse enginneered MIDI implementation of Launchkey Mini MK3 by Novation
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Reverse enginneered MIDI implementation of Launchkey Mini MK3 by Novation


I've got Launchkey Mini to control my synthesizers and use it as controller for my VJ framework. Custom modes setup in Novation Components were useful but sometimes I needed more control over Launchkey Mini. Inspired by this article I tried to make something similar. Probably all of this knowledge is available in Launchkey Mini Programmer's Guide, but it's not publicly available.

Companion spreadsheet is available here. It contains data about selected midi messages, pad notes and colors. Especially colors sheet is useful because most of colors don't follow any pattern (or I couldn't see one).

In source code you can find example application and structs for midi communication. Everything is done in C++ using RtMidi but it can be easily applied to any language and API since it's compatible with MIDI standard. This project uses C3 as middle-C convention (explained here), same as Novation.

Good explanation of MIDI messages is available here. Message examples in this tutorial will look like this: Channel Status Data1 Data2 Info
1 Note On 60(C3) 127 Send C3 note on with 127 velocity on channel 1


Standard CMake compilation.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Program usage

This program is focused purely on DAW mode. When you launch example app you will be asked to select MIDI port of Launchkey Mini MK3. Choose Launchkey Mini MK3 MIDI 2 for both input and output. This port is responsible for passing data in so-called DAW mode. If you need midi data from piano keys, custom mode knobs and pads, pitch bend and modulation then you should connect to port Launchkey Mini MK3 MIDI 1, not supported by this example code.

After that you will be asked to pick one of following modes:

MIDI implementation

DAW mode

First after opening midi port you have to enter DAW mode to gain more control over Launchkey Mini. This is done by sending Note On status on channel 16, note C-1 and velocity 127. If you want to exit DAW mode (probably on application quit) you have to send the same message but with 0 velocity.

Channel Status Data1 Data2 Info
16 Note On 12(C-1) 127 Enter DAW mode
16 Note On 12(C-1) 0 Exit DAW mode


Some special buttons send CC messages which we can handle by getting following messages:

Channel Status Data1 Data2 Info
1 CC 104(G#6) 127/0 Up button press/release
1 CC 105(A6) 127/0 Down button press/release
1 CC 108(C7) 127/0 Shift button press/release
16 CC 103(G6) 127/0 Left button press/release
16 CC 102(F#6) 127/0 Right button press/release
16 CC 115(G7) 127/0 Play button press/release
16 CC 117(A7) 127/0 Record button press/release
Shift + Octave buttons sends Program Change message Channel Status Data1 Info
1 Program Change n Sends program number 'n'

Pad modes

You can change pad mode by sending CC message on channel 16. It's the same thing as changing modes by holding shift and choosing mode with orange pads.

edit 27.09.2021: as found by riban-bw there are few more undocumented modes.

Modes 6-8 replace Custom mode as found here until you reboot Launchkey Mini MK3.

Channel Status Data1 Data2 Info
16 CC 3(D#-2) 1 Drum pad mode
16 CC 3(D#-2) 2 Session pad mode
16 CC 3(D#-2) 5 Custom pad mode
16 CC 3(D#-2) 6 Drum 2 pad mode
16 CC 3(D#-2) 7 Toggle pad mode
16 CC 3(D#-2) 8 Program Change pad mode

Device should reply with the same message. Keep in mind that custom mode requires listening on Launchkey Mini MK3 MIDI 1 port. Session mode pads send note data on channel 1. Drum mode pads send note data on channel 10.

Knob modes

You can change knob mode by sending CC message on channel 16. It's the same thing as changing modes by holding shift and choosing mode with cyan pads. Channel Status Data1 Data2 Info
16 CC 9(A-2) 1 Device knob mode
16 CC 9(A-2) 2 Volume knob mode
16 CC 9(A-2) 3 Pan knob mode
16 CC 9(A-2) 4 Sends A knob mode
16 CC 9(A-2) 5 Sends B knob mode
16 CC 9(A-2) 6 Custom knob mode

Device should reply with the same message. Keep in mind that custom mode requires listening on Launchkey Mini MK3 MIDI 1 port. Besides custom mode, other knob modes will always send CC message on channel 16, with data1 as knob number 21-28 (from left to right) and data2 as knob value (0-127).

Color time!

Coloring pads was the most time consuming thing. There are 128 colors available and writing down all of them wasn't easy. Colors 0-59 follow easy pattern, but the rest looks randomized. You can choose color mode by sending message to different channels.

Channels 1, 2, 3 are used in session mode, for solid, flashing and pulsing pad respectively.

Channels 10, 11, 12 are used in drum mode, for solid, flashing and pulsing pad respectively.

Examples: Channel Status Data1 Data2 Info
1 Note On 96(C6) 9 Color top-left pad with solid orange in session mode
2 Note On 96(C6) 21 Color top-left pad with flashing green in session mode
3 Note On 103(G6) 49 Color top-right pad with pulsing purple in session mode
10 Note On 96(C6) 9 Color top-left pad with solid orange in drum mode
11 Note On 96(C6) 9 Color top-left pad with flashing orange in drum mode
12 Note On 96(C6) 9 Color top-left pad with pulsing orange in drum mode

Bonus: flashing pad toggles between previous color and current (flashing) color. This way you can send solid color followed by flashing color to flash between two different colors e.g. green/red/green/red... If you want to flash between disabled and color led you have to send black (0) solid color first.

Other buttons (by riban-bw)

You can color both Up and Down buttons by sending CC message on channel 1, 2, 3 (same as session color modes). Also Play and Record buttons react to these color modes but only white color is supported.

Examples: Channel Status Data1 Data2 Info
1 CC 104(G#6) 9 Color Up pad with solid orange color
2 CC 105(A6) 21 Color Down pad with flashing green color
3 CC 105(A6) 49 Color Down pad with pulsing purple color
1 CC 115(G7) 127 Play button with solid white
2 CC 117(G7) 127 Record button with flashing white
3 CC 115(G7) 127 Play button with pulsing white

You can change brightness of Up, Down, Play, Pause buttons by sending CC message on channel 16. Possible brightness values: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%

Examples: Channel Status Data1 Data2 Info
16 CC 104(G#6) 32 Up pad with 25% brightness
16 CC 105(A6) 48 Down pad with 50% brightness
16 CC 115(G7) 64 Play button with 75% brightness
16 CC 117(A7) 96 Record button with 100% brightness