giganticode / small-datasets-ml-resources

Resources for paper "Making the most of small Software Engineering datasets with modern machine learning"
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Making the most of small Software Engineering datasets with modern machine learning

Using the pre-trained models in your own script


We released and uploaded the model to Huggingface's model hub (StackOBERTflow-comments-small-v1) The model can thus be used directly through the transformers library:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForMaskedLM

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("giganticode/StackOBERTflow-comments-small-v1")
model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("giganticode/StackOBERTflow-comments-small-v1")

Using pipeline

from transformers import pipeline
from pprint import pprint

COMMENT = "You really should not do it this way, I would use <mask> instead."

fill_mask = pipeline(

# [{'score': 0.019997311756014824,
#   'sequence': '<s> You really should not do it this way, I would use jQuery instead.</s>',
#   'token': 1738},
#  {'score': 0.01693696901202202,
#   'sequence': '<s> You really should not do it this way, I would use arrays instead.</s>',
#   'token': 2844},
#  {'score': 0.013411642983555794,
#   'sequence': '<s> You really should not do it this way, I would use CSS instead.</s>',
#   'token': 2254},
#  {'score': 0.013224546797573566,
#   'sequence': '<s> You really should not do it this way, I would use it instead.</s>',
#   'token': 300},
#  {'score': 0.011984303593635559,
#   'sequence': '<s> You really should not do it this way, I would use classes instead.</s>',
#   'token': 1779}]

Fine-tuned models

Download the zipped model from the release page and extract to model/path. The following models are available:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForMaskedLM

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("model/path")
model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("model/path")


The datasets cover 9 tasks, briefly described in the following.

Sentiment Classification

Classify the sentiment of Software Engineering artifact (e.g., Stack Overflow posts, app reviews, bug report comments etc.) Each example is to be classified as having either positive, negative or neutral sentiment.

We use the Senti4SD and SentiData datasets.


Example Label
I want them to resize based on the length of the data they’re showing. neutral
When I run my client, it throws the following exception. negatve
This is always a really bad way to design software. negative
amazing! a must have app positive

App Review Classification

Classify app reviews into various categories (e.g., rating, feature request, bug report etc.) or detect whether reviews are informative or not. We use the datasets from ARMINER, MAST and CLAP.


Example Label
not able to download any pictures please fix these bugs immediately informative
Best game I’ve played on Android rating
good but... it has ads...please remove ads from this... usability

Self-admitted technical debt detection

Detect whether a comment contains self-admitted technical debt (often indicated by FIXME or TODO). We use the dataset by Maldonado et. al.


Example Label
// FIXME: Is "No Namespace is Empty Namespace" really OK? positive
// Can return null to represent the bootstrap class loader. negative

Comment classification

Classify comments according to a pre-defined taxonomy (e.g., usage, license, deprecation, ownership). We rely on the dataset by Pascarella et. al.


Example Label
// @return a string for throwing usage
// New button,purpose summary
// Caller of this method must hold that lock. rationale

Code-Comment Coherence

Determine whether there is "coherence" between a given method and is corresponding lead comment, that is, whether the comment is describtive of the method. We use the dataset by Corazza et. al.


* Returns the current number of milk units in
* the inventory.
* @return int
Code-Comment Coherence
Prediction [25]
public int getMilk() {
  return milk;

Label:: positive (coherent)

   * Check inventory user interface that processes input.
public static void checkInventory() {

Label: negative (incoherent)

Linguistic Smell Detection

Detect linguistic smells in code, that is misleading identifier names or the violations of common naming conventions. Our work is based on the dataset by Fakhoury et. al.


public void ToSource(StringBuilder sb) {

Label: smelly (transform method does not return)

Code complexity classification

Classify the algorithmic complexity of various algorithm implementations (e.g., O(1), O(n*log(n)) etc.). We use the dataset by Sikka et. al.


class GFG {
  static int minJumps(int arr[], int n) {
    int[] jumps = new int[n];
    int min;
    jumps[n - 1] = 0;
    for (int i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (arr[i] == 0)
        jumps[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      else if (arr[i] >= n - i - 1) 
        jumps[i] = 1;
      else { ... }
    return jumps[0];
  public static void main(String[] args) {...}

Label: O(n log n)

Code readability classification

Given a piece of code, classify it as either "readable" or "not readable". Our work relies on the dataset by Scalabrino et. al.


public void configure(Configuration cfg) {
  cfg.setProperty(Environment.USE_SECOND_LEVEL_CACHE, ...);
  cfg.setProperty(Environment.GENERATE_STATISTICS, ...);
  cfg.setProperty(Environment.USE_QUERY_CACHE, "false" );
  ... // more cfg.setProperty calls

Label: readable

Reproducing results

There is a module for each task/dataset. Currently, these are:

Module Description Dataset URL
ar_miner Informative app reviews
coherence Code-comment coherence
comment_classification Comment classification
corcod Runtime complexity classification
readability Code readability classification
review_classification Review classification
satd Self-admitted debt detection
senti4sd Sentiment analysis on Stack Overflow comments
smell_detection Linguistic smell detection

Some of the used datasets (e.g., CLAP) are not publicly avaiable. Datasets were preprocessed and brought into a standard format. If you like to rerun one of the experiments, please contact one of the authors for the dataset in the correct format. Datasets must be placed in /data/<module>/. Training parameters can be set in /dl4se/config/<module>, dataset loading is handled in /dl4se/datasets/<module>.

Additional configuration parameters can be passed on the command line. See the file of the corresponding module for a list of possible command line options.

To run an experiment execute the following:

python -mdl4se.experiments.<module>.default --seeds 100 200 300 400 500 --out_file=result_file.csv