gilbertbrandow / company-introduction

A dockerized Python CLI program that can generate a introduction report of any publicly traded company based on ticker symbol
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Company Introduction

A dockerized Python CLI program that generates a report of a publically traded company based on ticker symbol.


  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Generate an API key for Alpha Vantage

Environment Configuration

This project depends upon the Alpha Vantage API and EODHD API. So to use this application you are required to configure these two api keys.

  1. Get a free Alpha Vantage API Key:

  2. Get a free EODHD API Key:

  3. Copy the Example Environment File:

    • In the project root directory, you will find an example environment file named .env.example.
    • Copy this file and create a new file named .env in the same directory.
  4. Replace the Placeholder with Your API Keys:

    • Open the .env file in a text editor.
    • Replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE with your actual Alpha Vantage API key.
    • Locate the line EODHD_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY_HERE.
    • Replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE with your actual EODHD API key.
  5. Save the Changes:

    • Save the changes to the .env file.

A) Starting the container using docker-compose

In order to use the application you will need to build an image and start a container of it.

  1. You will first need to cd into the directory after cloning it company-introduction
cd company-introduction
  1. Run the command below to build to build an image and start a container using docker-compose
sudo docker-compose run company_introduction

B) Building the image and running the container

In order to use the application you will need to build an image and start a container of it.

  1. You will first need to cd into the directory after cloning it company-introduction
cd company-introduction
  1. Run the command below to build an image called company_introduction_image based on the Dockerfile that can be located in the root of the project
docker build -t company_introduction_image --rm .
  1. Run the command below to start a container called company-introduction using the company_introduction_image. Replace /path/on/host with the absolute path on your host machine where you want to store the generated reports.
docker run --name company_introduction_container --rm -v /path/on/host:/usr/app/src/reports -it company_introduction_image

Note: If the path contains spaces, you may need to use quotes around the path, like this:

"/path/with spaces/on/host":"/usr/app/src/reports"


In order to generate a report for the company run the below command while attached to the container. Company query is the search term you want the program to use while looking for the stock.

generate-report [COMPANY QUERY]

Then choose from the list of options which company to generate the report for.

Please choose from the following options:
1. Option 1 - Country: USA, Exchange: US
2. Option 2 - Country: USA, Exchange: US
3. Option 3 - Country: USA, Exchange: US

Enter the number corresponding to your choice:

Example Generating report for Netflix (Ticker symbol NFLX us exchange)

generate-report Netflix
Please choose from the following options:
1. Netflix Inc (NFLX) - Country: USA, Exchange: US
2. Netflix Inc. (0QYI) - Country: UK, Exchange: LSE
3. Netflix Inc (NFC) - Country: Germany, Exchange: XETRA
4. Netflix Inc CDR (NFLX) - Country: Canada, Exchange: NEO
5. Netflix Inc (NFLX34) - Country: Brazil, Exchange: SA
6. Netflix Inc (NFLX) - Country: Mexico, Exchange: MX
7. Netflix Inc (NFC) - Country: Germany, Exchange: F
8. Netflix Inc (NFC) - Country: Germany, Exchange: STU
9. Netflix Inc (NFC) - Country: Germany, Exchange: DU
10. Netflix Inc (NFC) - Country: Germany, Exchange: BE
11. Netflix Inc (NFC) - Country: Germany, Exchange: MU
12. NETFLIX INC. CDR (NFC1) - Country: Germany, Exchange: F

Enter the number corresponding to your choice: 1

If you would like to generate a new report on the same company on the same day you will have to use the flag --overwrite, see below for example

generate-report Netflix --overwrite

To get some information on the arguments available please use -h or --help

generate-report -h