gimasi / GMX_LR1_AT_MODEM

LoRaWAN Stack & AT Modem functionality for GMX_LR1 Module
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We have released v1.2.2 that fixes OTAA RX2 Join problem, click on release to download the binary ( this firmware is valid only for the GREEN GMX Boards, if you have the latest BLUE boads please contact us for any update )


This is LoRaWAN stack & AT Modem implementation for the GMX-LR1 node. It is based on ST I-CUBE LRWAN, which in turn is based on Semtech code.

The GMX-LR1 module is used with the multiprotocol IoT Tuino 1 development board but if you want you can use it also with your hardware. Here a picture of the module:

The full source is coming very soon... for now we are publishing the binaries for firmaware updates.

Using the module with the Tuino 1

The full source code and documentation of the client library for the Tuino 1 is here.

We will be adding also a repository on client code for a general STM32 micro ( that should work also with other microcontrollers being pure C ) so to give an example on how to drive the GMX-LR1 module in your custom hardware project.

We are thinking also of putting together an Arduino Shield and Raspberry Pie shield for the GMX bus so that you can use the module also with other boards, please give us feedback on this.

Updating the GMX-LR1 firmware with the Tuino 1

To update the firmware of the module via the USB cable of the Tuino you need:

Once you have uploaded the tuino1-gmax-lr1-bootloader sketch on the Tuino 1 board you have to launch the STM32FlashLoader.


  1. Choose the COM port where your Tuino 1 is connected (usually the last COM port in the list).
  2. Set the page size to 128 ( using the pulldown and not writing directly the number).
  3. Select the .bin file from the directory where you have downloaded it.
  4. Press "Write Firmware & Jump".
  5. When the "Programming" action is reaching 100% the LED's on the GMX-LR1 LoRaWAN module ( the green module) will flash. If they don't flash, it means something went wrong and please repeat the procedure, first resetting the Tuino 1 board.
  6. Install your own use case again on the Tuino 1 board via the Arduino IDE