gina-alaska / ubermap

Build your own map!
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link


Stories in Ready

Currently this is a basic rails application that allows users to build a custom map.

Additional layers can be created by uploading geojson files.

Application is written using the following tools/libs


GeoJSON features can be styled by embeded the simplestyle-spec attribute values in your GeoJSON files.

This allows you to control the styling on a feature level.

The layer editor also allows you to specify the default styling that should be used any other feature styling not provided in the attribute list.

Building packages

Make sure you have habitat installed and working, the following commands are generally used for upload new versions

hab studio enter
source results/last_build.env; aws s3 cp results/$pkg_artifact s3://gina-packages --acl=public-read --profile=uafgina; cat results/last_build.env
# update the chef environment with the `pkg_artifact` and `pkg_sha256sum` values the last command output