gingerbeardman / stapler

My take on the classic Macintosh app Stapler (with a little bit of LaunchList)
MIT License
238 stars 10 forks source link
document-management launcher-application macintosh project-management


My take on the classic Macintosh app Stapler (Chris Patterson, Patterson Software Works, 1992).

With a little bit of the early Mac OS X app LaunchList (Ali Rantakari,, 2009).

More info in the accompanying blog post.


What is it?

The idea is you set up a Stapler Document per project containing related apps, files, folders, etc.

Then you can open them all at once by launching the single document.

Each document contains a list of aliases that can be managed, inspected, launched using the app.

Task-based computing.


Use cases


Opening the app

Editing a list

  1. Open
  2. Create a New Document
  3. Add some items
    • using drag and drop from Finder or other apps
    • or using the menu Items > Add
  4. Items can be removed (they are aliases so files on disk are not affected)
  5. Save your list as a Stapler Document

All standard macOS Document-Based App conventions are supported through the File menu. And things like Undo just works!

Launching a list

  1. Open your Stapler Document
  2. All items in the list will be launched automatically
  3. will close (if it was not already open)

Tip: hold the Cmd key whilst launching a Stapler Document to open it in edit mode.

Launching specific items

  1. Open
  2. Open a Stapler Document
  3. Select the items you want to launch
  4. Select Items > Launch (or press Return)

Working with a list

  1. Open
  2. Open a Stapler Document
    • use File > Open…
    • use File > Open Recent
  3. Use the Items menu

Tip: hold the Cmd key whilst launching a Stapler Document to open it in edit mode.

Keyboard controls

Press Function
Cmd + Return Add… (open file selector)
Backspace Remove
Space Quick Look
Cmd + R Reveal in Finder
Return Launch


Bonus tip

System Preferences > Desktop & Dock > Windows > Close windows when quitting an application = OFF

Then leave the windows of an app open as you quit it. When you next launch the app its windows will restore to their previous size and position. If you close the windows first, then the app will restore to having no windows open.

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