ginomcevoy / vespa

Virtualized Experiments for Scientific Parallel Applications (VESPA)
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Vespa (Virtualized Experiments for Scientific Parallel Applications)

Vespa is designed to support the definition and production of controlled application executions running on virtual machines (VMs), as well as gathering performance metrics related to these executions. The main goal of Vespa is to manage the systematic experimentation of applications deployed on different virtual clusters, while supporting rich definitions for the cluster topology and mappings to underlying physical resources. The results will later translate into a knowledge repository with real (non-simulated) data for studying the effects of virtual cluster features on different scientific applications.

Vespa is not meant to be a tool for deploying applications in the Cloud or in virtualized environments. It is specifically aimed at improving the understanding of how virtualization affects application performance. While Vespa performs the deployment of the virtual cluster and the execution of the application, it does not currently configure the VMs (assumes the VM images are ready), nor does it takes care of the application deployment (assumes the application has an executable properly installed and ready to be called).



Since Vespa is meant to be deployed on a physical cluster and support virtual clusters, there are different sets of dependencies:

Common requirements

Requirements for head node

Requirements for computing nodes

Requirements for the VMs


This work is supported by the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq), grant no. 150724/2015-2.