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latest releasealfred-readwise
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Highlights from Alfred
: search highlight text onlyBook
: search book titles onlyBoth
(default): search across highlights and book titles!r
), or custom hotkey#
will prompt a label search which can be added to the standard search, multiple labels supported
↩️ will show the highlight in large font and copy to clipboardshift-enter
⇧↩️ will show the highlight in large font and copy to clipboard without closing Alfredcommand-enter
⌘↩️ will open the source URL if available (typically for tweets)ctrl-enter
^↩️ will open the highlight on Readwiseshift-ctrl-enter
⇧^↩️ will open all highlights from that book on Readwiseshift
alone: Quicklook of your highlight.Create a new Readwise highlight
. The corresponding text will be assigned to a 'book' titled as set in alfred-readwise
preferences (default: Highlights from Alfred
preferences, or...
to force database refreshFeedback welcome! If you notice a bug, or have ideas for new features, please feel free to get in touch either here, or on the Alfred forum.