giovp / sclecture21

Project repo for sc analysis course
MIT License
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Project repo for sc analysis course.

Useful info for LRZ

login and pass were shared. When logged in:

module load python
conda create -n py38 python=3.8
source activate py38
# install your software, e.g. 
conda install numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn
#then clone and install scanpy
git clone
cd scanpy
pip install -e .
# and install useful scanpy modules
pip install leidenalg pynndescent
# and maybe jupyter lab/nb ?
pip install jupyterlab

To start jupyter

# make new login setting the port
ssh -Y -l di82cof -L 6006:localhost:6006
# then load usual stuff
module load python
source activate py38
jupyter-lab --no-browser --port=6006
# copy URL in your browser

Available projects (to be discussed)

Spatial statistics and global tissue context

A central goal of spatial transcriptomics is to understand global spatial organization and cellular neighborhood structure. Spatial statistics can give insights on such properties. Tasks include:

Image analysis and segmentation

10x genomics Visium data comes weith an image alongside gene counts. An important question that can be asked is how morphology relates to gene expression and tissue organization. Tasks include: