gis4dis / poster_obsolete

Application that accepts POST requests for data collection.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Application that accepts POST requests for data collection.


Python 3.2+ due to folder creation.



Postgis extension is installed, but the database needs to be initialized with this extension. This can only be done as priviledged user (postgis). In this case you need to run:

sudo su postgres
psql gateway_db



Installation differs in some parts if you want to run this on localhost or prod server. But it is standard Django application. So the steps are:

1) Clone repository 2) create and install Python 3 virtualenv 3) configure 4) run application

Running application on localhost

1) Clone repository

git clone poster

2) create and install Python 3 virtualenv

Python 3.3+ has module venv included for this purpose. (For older Python versions consult the internet on how to create virtualenv.)

python3 -m venv /path/to/env/poster
source /path/to/env/poster/bin/activate

After activation of virtualenv we can install all python requirements from file. But first update pip, since older versions have some bugs.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all required Python packages for the application.

3) configure

Django has its basic configuration in file called There is all the configuration for application. Most of the parts of the configuration can be used on all environments (local development, testing, production ...) But some parts are specific only for some environments (Logging, paths, etc.). Because of this there is second file you need to create called

There is a template which you can copy and use as starting point. Actually for local development you can just copy the file and make just minor changes.

cp src/poster/local_settings{_example,}.py

and set DEBUG = True and SECRET_KEY to some random unpredictable string. See more at:

The nice and simple python code SECRET_KEY generator can be found on:

Here it is:

python -c 'import random; import string; print "".join([random.SystemRandom().choice(string.digits + string.letters + string.punctuation) for i in range(100)])'

4) running local dev server

Django has local development server included so you can just run:

cd src
python ./ runserver

Running the application on server (prepared by kickup)

Here is one more step which includes deploying the source code from cloned git repo. You don't want to use git as primary source for your deployment. Generally it is not a good practise to expose your .git folder (although the git is publicly available). 2.5) deploy

sudo su poster-app

1) Clone repository

Ideally clone the application into /opt/poster-app/poster directory so you can use included deployment script (scripts/ Otherwise you need to update this scripts with proper PATHS.

git clone /opt/poster-app/poster

2) create and install Python 3 virtualenv

The virtual environment is already prepared for this app in the folder /opt/poster-app/virtualenv, so we don't need to install this by ourselves.

2.5) deploy

Deployment script has 3 basic functions.

Now we need to run only first two, so run:

./deploy web
./deploy web go

don't run ./deploy web manage yet, since you need to configure the in next step

3) configure

Setup needed for custom properties on the server. Copy and update the values to fit the needs.

cp /opt/poster-app/src/poster/local_settings{_example,}.py
vim /opt/poster-app/src/poster/

3.5) deploy run manage

Now you can run manage script:

./deploy web manage

This will copy staticfiles to correct directory and prepare database.

If you are using sqlite, check the database file has correct owner:

chown poster-app:poster-app /opt/poster-app/db.sqlite3

4) Final touches

Create import folder by default in /opt/poster-app/import and set proper chown. (this should match the path you've set in This folder will be used for imported data, so it also needs proper write access

mkdir /opt/poster-app/import
chown poster-app:poster-app /opt/poster-app/import
chmod 0770 /opt/poster-app/import

As a "I know what I am doing" safety, you need to point to correct entrypoint. The server (uwsgi) expects the main application entrypoint at /opt/poster-app/src/ The Django application has its own located at /opt/poster-app/src/poster/ so we make a symlink to required path

rm /opt/poster-app/src/
ln -s /opt/poster-app/src/poster/ /opt/poster-app/src/
chown poster-app:poster-app /opt/poster-app/src/ -h

And as last thing we create touch-to-update file, which when touched will reload the uwsgi with the new content.

touch /opt/poster-app/

5) Crontab

There is some functionality that requires periodic import from external sources. As a solution you need to add this import to cron.

Run crontab -e as poster-app user to edit current cron table for that user.


Add following lines to that file. (This will run ala_import management command every 2:00)

0 2 * * * cd /opt/poster-app/src && /opt/poster-app/virtualenv/bin/python ala_import >> /opt/poster-app/logs/cronjob.log 2>&1


Add following lines to that file. (This will run pmo_import management command) You need to change LIST_OF_FILENAMES to proper file names on the FTP

0 5 * * * cd /opt/poster-app/src && /opt/poster-app/virtualenv/bin/python pmo_import LIST_OF_FILENAMES >> /opt/poster-app/logs/cronjob.log 2>&1
0 5 * * mon cd /opt/poster-app/src && /opt/poster-app/virtualenv/bin/python pmo_import LIST_OF_FILENAMES >> /opt/poster-app/logs/cronjob.log 2>&1


sudo su poster-app
source /opt/poster-app/virtualenv/bin/activate

git clone /opt/poster-app/poster
cd /opt/poster-app/poster/scripts/

pip install -r /opt/poster-app/src/requirements.txt

./ web
./ web go

cp /opt/poster-app/src/poster/local_settings{_example,}.py
vim /opt/poster-app/src/poster/

./ web manage

mkdir /opt/poster-app/import
chown poster-app:poster-app /opt/poster-app/import
chmod 0770 /opt/poster-app/import

rm /opt/poster-app/src/
ln -s /opt/poster-app/src/poster/ /opt/poster-app/src/
chown poster-app:poster-app /opt/poster-app/src/ -h

touch /opt/poster-app/

Summary v2

vagrant up
vagrant reload
vagrant ssh

sudo su poster-app
pip install -r /opt/poster-app/src/requirements.txt

cp /opt/poster-app/src/poster/local_settings{_example,}.py
vim /opt/poster-app/src/poster/

mkdir /opt/poster-app/import
chown poster-app:poster-app /opt/poster-app/import
chmod 0770 /opt/poster-app/import

rm /opt/poster-app/src/
ln -s /opt/poster-app/src/poster/ /opt/poster-app/src/
chown poster-app:poster-app /opt/poster-app/src/ -h

cd /opt/poster-app/src/

python migrate
python collectstatic
touch /opt/poster-app/