This application is a is a user based social space where the user can communicate about the book they are reading, wanting to read, or to let their friends know about.
Our motivation to create this was to make a safe space for any user to let everyone know their interest in literature in an efficient manner in the simplest way possible.
To put the application to work, a user needs to install MySQL2, Express, Express Handlebards, and Express Session.
The user needs to create a profile in order to contribute to the application. Once the profile is created through the login, they can use all the functions for posting and interacting.
Contributors to the project were Gisela Marquez (giselamarque), Victoria Mota (v1ct0r14m), Braden Wales (BradenWales0), Daven Steen (Dus0001) and Neeman Elchurafa (NeemanE)