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The BIG Grants Round 6 Feedback Thread #6860

Closed owocki closed 4 years ago

owocki commented 4 years ago

Welcome to the BIG Gitcoin Grants CLR Round 6 Product Feedback Thread!

Grants is one of our core products alongside Gitcoin Hackathons. We improve grants on an iterative cycle around Gitcoin Grants rounds.

The next big effort to improve grants will be CLR round 7 (probably between Q2-Q3 sometime).

This is a thread where you can catalogue product feedback for us to work on for the next round.


calchulus commented 4 years ago

image I'm running into a decimals issue when I'm submitting my grant donation. I have tried replacing 5.00 dai with 5 dai, etc., toggling the % shared to gitcoin dev fund, etc. Still no luck

calchulus commented 4 years ago

When I try with ETH, I get the following bug image

owocki commented 4 years ago

thanks @calchulus we'll look into it

calchulus commented 4 years ago

image The new verify button has an extra i in verify (verifiy) at the top right of the page for checkout

owocki commented 4 years ago

@calchulus will get that typo fixed. btw what is your web3 state? mainnet + connected to gitcoin?

calchulus commented 4 years ago

Confirmed, mainnet + connected, it also says "status OK" after every time it gives me the error when i check the console.

calchulus commented 4 years ago

ah ah maybe I wasn't connected, but even connected now, it didn't work. Same decimals issue. Another suggestion
image Maybe the little red dot becomes green when you are connected?

mds1 commented 4 years ago

@calchulus Are you sure your wallet is connected? Mine does have a green dot and looks like this after connecting with MetaMask


jmiehau commented 4 years ago

I have participated at this round 6. Sending 50 DAI to Turbo-Geth:

Funds were sent 30 minutes ago but the it doesn´t appear in the current match amount.

I checked this page and it appears as failed! But money was delivered to their Gitcoin address: 0x8BFBB529A9E85fDC4b70A4FCdC0D68Bb298B8816

Screenshot from 2020-06-16 00-04-42 Screenshot from 2020-06-16 00-04-24 Screenshot from 2020-06-16 00-02-13

calchulus commented 4 years ago

yeah, I get a "change wallet" option but no other lines in this box...

mds1 commented 4 years ago

@calchulus Hm, so I think your wallet may not be connected correctly. What wallet are you using? I can try to reproduce it.

@octavioamu may also have more insight

calchulus commented 4 years ago

I'm using metamask on chrome

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM Matt wrote:

@calchulus Hm, so I think your wallet may not be connected correctly. What wallet are you using? I can try to reproduce it.

@octavioamu may also have more insight

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owocki commented 4 years ago

@sassal : card view takes up too much space, list view would be better. cc @PixelantDesign

grandsmarquis commented 4 years ago

Hey, found 2 issues:

1. when creating the grant I clicked twice on the button (as I thought the first click did not work) and I ended up with two grants:

Screenshot from 2020-06-16 10-34-54

I changed the title and info afterward but the grants where exactly same (just the URL changed)

2. Then I tried to cancel one and the button don't seem to do anything.

Could you delete this one? Thanks

pacoccino commented 4 years ago

I don't know if it is a bug or a feature, but on my screen (large), the grants page display differently than on the previous round. Tried on different browsers, same rendering.

Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 11 46 11

I don't really like this layout. maybe useful on small screens, but on large ones it's like a misuse of the space.

PixelantDesign commented 4 years ago

mds1 commented 4 years ago

@jmiehau The "Failed" status is a bug that will be fixed, but your transaction is ok and will be valid for matching

owocki commented 4 years ago

The failed tx issue should be fixed now

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 10:55 AM Matt wrote:

@jmiehau The "Failed" status is a bug that will be fixed, but your transaction is ok and will be valid for matching

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gitcoin is live and has generated over $4.6mm for Open Source Software - see our results

owocki commented 4 years ago deleted

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 2:37 AM Jules Dourlens wrote:

Hey, found 2 issues:

1. when creating the grant I clicked twice on the button (as I thought the first click did not work) and I ended up with two grants:

[image: Screenshot from 2020-06-16 10-34-54]

I changed the title and info afterward but the grants where exactly same (just the URL changed)

2. Then I tried to cancel one and the button don't seem to do anything.

Could you delete this one? Thanks

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gitcoin is live and has generated over $4.6mm for Open Source Software - see our results

owocki commented 4 years ago

check out loopring for zkrollups

Matthew Finestone | 3body.eth @finestonematt

owocki commented 4 years ago

add in easy "great job" or "i appreciate you" comments

owocki commented 4 years ago

ability to set default tokens


owocki commented 4 years ago

Blind verification

Ring signatures

One page privacy gurantee

pacoccino commented 4 years ago

Just contributed to 35 grants, then received 70 emails, two for each grants (confirmation + thank you)... Maybe it could be batched.

And the blockchain transaction is not confirmed yet

owocki commented 4 years ago

@pakokrew thanks, thats def something we need to fix.

owocki commented 4 years ago

note to self: add some UI bounds checking so the user can't put negative numbers in the cart :P

owocki commented 4 years ago

IMO the modal should ideally keep popping up unless you explicitly click a "I don't want to" button

Another proposal: if you donate in DAI but don't have DAI it should auto-uniswap it for you

owocki commented 4 years ago

let users chang etheir grant tokens

owocki commented 4 years ago

idena / brightid next round

owocki commented 4 years ago

data retention policy Would also like to see a published data retention policy for these docs, including guidelines on what to redact to still be sufficient for Gitcoins end

kyc thread remove humans from oiffline transfer process; publish doc policy

santteegt commented 4 years ago


I have contributed to various grants in this tx However, my contribution to Token Engineering Academy isn't being reflected in the grant profile. I haven't received a confirmation email for that grant neither.

Also during checkout, that grant has the "Not Eligible for CLR" label. But if you add it to a new cart now, that label does not appear anymore

owocki commented 4 years ago

We should actually record in the funnel how many people cancel their transactions bc of the gas estimates. Could be super interesting

owocki commented 4 years ago

harberger taxes for featured grant ads

owocki commented 4 years ago

@Owocki any plans to move Gitcoin to a rollup of some type? I am sort of curious how much app makers are really thinking about this as a need at this point.

owocki commented 4 years ago

from V:

And within (1), the more important sub-goal is probably just ensuring trustlessness, ie. that (i) gitcoin can't cheat by miscounting donations, and (ii) improving participants' privacy including against gitcoin

For (ii) the first step may be what I mentioned about blind signatures


If you want to be really useful to the ecosystem, one thing you can do is a blind signature-based "verification passport" that is usable outside a gitcoin context

Basically, you verify your phone number, the server signs your message, then you later unblind the signature and submit it to a smart contract, which then "marks" your address as verified

owocki commented 4 years ago

loading indicator for long running grant contributions long running txns emails make sure dropped/replaced txns are being validated prevent double clicking on grant/enw grant status update; make command+enter submit, not regular enter bulk hide grants grant create - disable button when clicked sort by last updated let u add to cart on ur own grant by: advertise no match, save the donation, but dont match it in grants/ update wiki FAQ data retetion policy publish

owocki commented 4 years ago

add more filters to index page

owocki commented 4 years ago

credit card donations pls

owocki commented 4 years ago

grants transactions page

owocki commented 4 years ago

Hey Kevin! A minor piece of feedback on the UI/UX of the new cart feature (which is awesome!):

It'd be nice if the latest grant that I "Add to Cart" goes to the top of the list on the right-hand sidebar.

With multiple grants, you have to scroll a lot.

Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 6 52 20 AM
owocki commented 4 years ago

let business owners know when saturation has occured

owocki commented 4 years ago

option to view newest grants

owocki commented 4 years ago

layer 2s suggested to me:

owocki commented 4 years ago

from the grants standup today:

owocki commented 4 years ago

from reddit ( ) Hey, love what you guys are doing and I thought the cart feature you added this round was super easy to use and helpful. It really made my experience a lot more positive than previous funding rounds.

However, I do have constructive criticism and I hope you don't take offense. I have never done this from my phone (not even sure that is possible) so all of this is from my laptop/desktop. This is what I came up in roughly half an hour:

There are just too many bells/whistles on the site. There is so much going on on the Townsquare tab that I try to avoid it because everything on it is confusing (e.g. what are secret actions, what are tribes, what is the difference between Connect and Kudos and Relationships and Everywhere, etc.). When I click on the Products tab, I am also overwhelmed by so many buttons. I still don't really understand Tribes. I just want to support a grant, not create a new facebook/meetup account.

When I go to the Explore Grants tab, I really think it should be sorted by "Round 6 - Contributors: Highest." Right now it's on weighted shuffle, but it's unclear how it's weighted. There should be way more than 6 grants on the page at the start. It makes it seem like there are only 6 until you scroll down. The "categories" on the left hand side seems redundant with the filter tab. Instead of "Explore Grants" I think a big banner message of "Round 6 is LIVE," and a timer until it expires across all the pages would be help. The homepage should really be the grants page. Right now, it's townsquare, which is a scary place to go.

The description below each grant is confusing and conveys information poorly. It's very hard to actually find out what "CLR" stands for and yet it is stated everywhere below a grant. To a newcomer, it's also a little weird to see 1 DAI matching a very high multiple, and then next to it 100 DAI matching just 2x or so of the donation amount. Maybe just emphasize 1 DAI then? It would be great if I can click "raised from 40 contributors" to see all 40 who donated in the round were.

In general, seeing the amount raised and the amount matched is confusing to see. For example, I'm looking at white hat hacking which has 136 contributors and their estimated match is 2x from what they raised from contributors ($6,716 estimated CLR match, $3249 raised). Right by it, I see Black Girls Code which has a similar number of contributors (123) but the estimated matching is 4x the amount raised (20,903 estimated CLR match, $5612 raised). I start to think, why, how does that work, it makes no sense, I don't understand this.

I don't know what thegivingblock and gitcoinbot are and what service they provide or why they are necessary but they seem to be everywhere. They also take up all the leaderboard stats and I assume these are gitcoin created?

Minor issue but the estimated match is rounded to the dollars and the amount raised is rounded to the cents. Why not have these the same and remove the cents?

A lot of the previews for each grant are cut off. There should be a separate thing grant creators fill out that is 240 character limit or something that quickly explains a grant. This would make the grants page much easier.

Related to one of my points above, I saw that White Hat Hacking has 136 contributors, but when I click their name they have a contributors tab that shows "Contributors (317)".

The site is generally very slow to click on any other page (probably from trying to activate metamask on every page if it's not logged into).

Under Whitehathacking grant, it says "Next update: 43 minutes ago | Last update: 53 minutes ago" -- why does the first one say Next update ago? Also what are these updates, why are they changing? More confusion.

Is it possible to build in a Uniswap feature/router where all donations automatically get converted to DAI so I don't have to go to Uniswap to get DAI? When I did it this time, I went to uniswap myself to convert ETH into DAI and then donate the DAI.

If I am on the grants page and use the search bar on the left and type, for example, "prysm", the first thing I see is "Grants CLR Matching Round 6" and all the contributors but shouldn't I have seen that before when I had searched and while I was on the grant page? Also, it's kind of a bug but it highlights "Current Sponsors" but shows both current and past sponsors unless you click on past sponsors and then go back to current sponsors. When I go back to current sponsors, I only see a 6 guys who donated roughly $250 each so my impression is that the total amount for the round is a couple thousand dollars. Who is contributing the matching for $175k? It's not listed.

The grant leaderboard page is also terrible at communicating information. I would prefer something more like or etherscan charts. For one thing, there's no clear X axis, just "Time." The chart is also jumbled up and if you hover over a line, it looks messy. Is it possible to connect the chart/data to etherscan somehow? Also, I know prysm has done very well in the last few gitcoin grant rounds, but they are so hard to find on the leaderboard, even if you filter by top orgs/yearly/grant/all. I honestly don't even recognize most of the people on the leaderboard.

Was not a fan of the phone verification this round, but it would be nice to know what happens with the phone data and if it gets deleted or stored, etc.

My general advice is to make the whole site a lot more simpler. Maybe drop all the tribe/town square stuff or take that stuff somewhere else. The grant page is great, and if it was just that + the leaderboard stats which was super crisp/sharp, that would be a winner for me.

spm32 commented 4 years ago

Cart management:

We currently just add items to people's carts when they click on someone else's bulk checkout link. It might be worth showing them the other person's cart separately and asking whether they want to add these instead of doing it automatically.

owocki commented 4 years ago
owocki commented 4 years ago

accept other crypto currencies, fiat currencies (paypal, stripe)

chloethedev commented 4 years ago

This is my first time taking part in a Gitcoin Grant round, and I want to start off by saying that I appreciate all of the work done by the Gitcoin team. I have enjoyed the platform for quite a while, but mostly lurked around testing out new features as they came online (really love the Gitcoin Quests BTW).

As for my experience with Gitcoin Grants specifically, it has been wonderful. The community has been super supportive, and when people have had Gitcoin accounts, the process has been very smooth (it is getting better each round and I am excited to see how it improves). What I am a little disappointed in is the difficulty that users face when trying to first enter the ecosystem. It is quite difficult to get people into the Ethereum ecosystem as a whole, and every barrier to entry is one too many for someone. I know that part of the issue when it comes to funding for grants is trying to maintain a Sybil resistant funding mechanism for QF to be successfully implemented and I was wondering if Argent wallet users would quality as unique individuals for instances of QF matching? I will readily admit that I am not an expert on the issue and the comment could be ignorant, and if it is, I am sorry. I just want to see the barrier to entry lowered if possible and think that this could be a possible way to help that along.

owocki commented 4 years ago
