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The BIG Grants Round 6 Feedback Thread #6860

Closed owocki closed 4 years ago

owocki commented 4 years ago

Welcome to the BIG Gitcoin Grants CLR Round 6 Product Feedback Thread!

Grants is one of our core products alongside Gitcoin Hackathons. We improve grants on an iterative cycle around Gitcoin Grants rounds.

The next big effort to improve grants will be CLR round 7 (probably between Q2-Q3 sometime).

This is a thread where you can catalogue product feedback for us to work on for the next round.


owocki commented 4 years ago

we def need some sort of verified sticker for the grants, like the twitter verification checkmark

owocki commented 4 years ago

Vitalik Random advice: remove the "lowest first" from the sorting; I just don't see the usefulness of that option and it clutters and makes harder to find the more useful options

owocki commented 4 years ago

we need external validations of identity. we should DEF add twitter verifications next round

owocki commented 4 years ago

niran: deputize grants identity show saturation percentage to grant owners

niran commented 4 years ago

Since the matching estimates are currently very optimistic early in the round, one easy way to make them more accurate is to always calculate the matching estimate assuming the maximum capital constraint is equal to the donations raised so far. That is, for this round, the calculations always assumed there was $175,000 (or whatever was assigned to the category) available for matching. Instead, use the current total donations, which is close to what has happened at the end of the last two rounds.

For example, on day 2, about $24k had been raised from individual contributions. Using that same value for the maximum capital constraint would probably give more realistic matching estimates. When the donations exceed the actual matching funds available, use that lower value instead.

In reality, I think it's okay to tweak this so people are slightly more excited than they should be at the beginning of the round, but right now, they end up being very disappointed at the end of the round.

owocki commented 4 years ago

estimate_clr for the tech round takes 30 minutes to run now. can we make it faster ? 🤔

owocki commented 4 years ago

an option to donate money back to the matching round in checkout

owocki commented 4 years ago

an option for a grant funder to refund all txns in a round (say they abandon their grant, or amount raised wasnt enough or something)

owocki commented 4 years ago

setup authy/2fa instead of SMS verification for phone verification

owocki commented 4 years ago

blind verification

owocki commented 4 years ago

from GA, ideas for improving browse-ability

I think grant browsing could be improved long-term and that would help. not bad now, if you know what you're looking for like check box selection from a big list, and then click "study" or "contribute" to go deeper into them

Anything to diminish the amount of time spent on the site. The kudos and gamification of elements of the process encourage a certain type of power user, but there's some fatigue that sets in coming back round after round with each having more grants to choose from.

at a minimum there should be a alternate view of just lines, not large boxes

i've also thought of limited matching pools / "eligibility pools"

Eric probably doesn't want his 5k going to every nonsense project that makes a profile, instead, he is willing to match 50 legit ones

owocki commented 4 years ago
owocki commented 4 years ago

round 7 ticket