Open source courseware from the GitHub Professional Services team.
We’re eager to work with you, our user community, to improve these materials and develop new ones. Please check out our CONTRIBUTING guide for more information on getting started.
This repository currently contains Git and GitHub cheat sheets. If you're looking for a project that used to be housed here, such as On-Demand training, reading lists, videos, and book recommendations, see this commit in the repository's history.
If you'd like to have a copy of the files to be served from a web server inside your firewall, start by running script/package
to create a release tarball. This will be in the format release-XXXXXXX.tgz
for you to take wherever you want.mkdir -p test_site/kit
.tar -xzf release-XXXXXXX.tgz -C test_site/kit
.cd test_site
.python -m SimpleHTTPServer
python -m http.server
files, etcSite content is licensed under CC-BY-4.0. CC-BY-4.0 gives you permission to use the content for almost any purpose but does not grant you any trademark permissions, so long as you note the license and give credit, such as follows:
Content based on used under the CC-BY-4.0 license.
Code used to build and test the site as well as code samples on the site, if any, are licensed under CC0-1.0. CC0 waives all copyright restrictions but does not grant you any trademark permissions.
This means you can use the content and code in this repository except for GitHub trademarks in your projects.
When you contribute to this repository you are doing so under the above licenses.