githubuniverseworkshops / my-universe-copilot

πŸ€– Source code and instructions for the workshop "Build and deploy your own copilot with GitHub Copilot"
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ai azure chatbots github-copilot github-universe-2023-workshop



This repository template contains the source code for the chatbot application, in addition to a step-by-step guide on how to deploy it to Azure.

Please see the main workshop repository githubuniverseworkshops/workshop-build-deploy-your-own-copilot for additional resources and learning material.

[!NOTE] This repo is intended to give an introduction to various GitHub Copilot features, such as Copilot Chat and Copilot CLI. Hence the step-by-step guides below contain the general description of what needs to be done, and Copilot Chat and/or Copilot CLI can support you in generating the necessary commands.

Each step (where applicable) also contains a Cheatsheet which can be used to validate the Copilot suggestion(s) against the correct command.

:bulb: Play around with different prompts and see how it affects the accuracy of the GitHub Copilot suggestions. E.g. Copilot CLI offers a :memo: Revise query option that can be used to refine the suggestion without writing the whole prompt anew.

Features of the chatbot



The VSCode Codespaces image (.devcontainer/devcontainer.json) has been configured with the following tooling;

[!WARNING] Some of the resources used in this workshop might incur additional charges. Please see the main workshop repository githubuniverseworkshops/workshop-build-deploy-your-own-copilot for links to the relevant billing information.

1. Create a new repository from this template

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~2min

2. Create a Codespace using the provided template

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~3min


3. Configure additional tooling

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~3min

npm i -g @githubnext/github-copilot-cli
eval "$(github-copilot-cli alias -- "$0")"
github-copilot-cli auth
?? Which version of node is installed
 ──────────────────── Command ────────────────────

node --version

 ────────────────── Explanation ──────────────────

β—‹ node is the Node.js runtime.
  β—† --version specifies that we want to print the version of the runtime.

❯ βœ… Run this command
  πŸ“ Revise query
  ❌ Cancel

  This will execute the suggested command in your shell.
  Are you sure? (y/N)

πŸ•›  Hold on, executing commmand...

4. Authenticate with Azure

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~2min

az login --use-device-code
az account list
az account set --subscription "<subscription_id_OR_name>"

5. (Optional) Create OpenAI API key

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~5min


[!IMPORTANT] The steps below will require parameter values to be set. Where possible, the following default values have been used in the Cheatsheet commands and in configuration files:

  • Universe2023CopilotRG (Azure resource group name)
  • westus (location)
  • Universe2023CopilotId (Azure Identity resource name)
  • Universe2023CopilotASP (Azure App Service Plan name)

If you wish to use different values then keep track of them in order to ensure they are consistently used where needed.

Some values are part of a global namespace and can therefore not be defaulted, for these values only placeholders are provided in the Cheatsheet and configuration files:

  • <appServiceName> (Azure App Service name)
  • <botName> (Azure Bot resource name/handle)

1. See how much you can learn about the source code and framework(s) with the help of Copilot

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~5min

2. Create an Azure resource group in the West US region

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~1min

Cheatsheet ##### Command ```sh az group create --name "Universe2023CopilotRG" --location "westus" ``` ##### Expected output ```sh { "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/Universe2023CopilotRG", "location": "westus", "managedBy": null, "name": "Universe2023CopilotRG", "properties": { "provisioningState": "Succeeded" }, "tags": null, "type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups" } ```

3. Create an Azure Identity Resource

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~1min

[!IMPORTANT] The following output data from this command will be needed later:

  • clientId
  • tenantId
Cheatsheet ##### Command ```sh az identity create --resource-group "Universe2023CopilotRG" --name "Universe2023CopilotId" ``` ##### Expected output ```json { "clientId": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx", "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/Universe2023CopilotRG/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/Universe2023CopilotId", "location": "westus", "name": "Universe2023CopilotId", "principalId": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx", "resourceGroup": "Universe2023CopilotRG", "systemData": null, "tags": {}, "tenantId": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx", "type": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities" } ```

4. Create an Azure App Service resource in the resource group. The ARM template is located in "./templates/template-appService.json" and the input parameters are in "./templates/parameters-template-appService.json".

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~5min

[!IMPORTANT] Update the following parameters inside ./templates/parameters-template-appService.json:

  • appServiceName.value - a globally unique name, e.g. <yourGitHubHandle>Universe2023CopilotAS
  • appId.value - the clientId of the identity resource created earlier
  • UMSIName.value - the name of the identity resource created earlier
  • UMSIResourceGroupName.value - the resourceGroup of the identity resource created earlier
  • tenantId.value - the tenantId of the identity resource created earlier
Cheatsheet ##### Command ```sh az deployment group create --resource-group "Universe2023CopilotRG" --template-file ./templates/template-appService.json --parameters ./templates/parameters-template-appService.json ``` ##### Expected output ```json { "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/Universe2023CopilotRG/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/template-appService", "location": null, "name": "template-appService", "properties": { "correlationId": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx", "debugSetting": null, "dependencies": [ { "dependsOn": [ { "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/Universe2023CopilotRG/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/Universe2023CopilotASP", "resourceGroup": "Universe2023CopilotRG", "resourceName": "Universe2023CopilotASP", "resourceType": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms" } ], "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/Universe2023CopilotRG/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/StebjeUniverse2023CopilotAS", "resourceGroup": "Universe2023CopilotRG", "resourceName": "StebjeUniverse2023CopilotAS", "resourceType": "Microsoft.Web/sites" } ], "duration": "PT36.4806494S", "error": null, "mode": "Incremental", "onErrorDeployment": null, "outputResources": [ { "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/Universe2023CopilotRG/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/Universe2023CopilotASP", "resourceGroup": "Universe2023CopilotRG" }, { "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/Universe2023CopilotRG/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/StebjeUniverse2023CopilotAS", "resourceGroup": "Universe2023CopilotRG" } ], "outputs": null, "parameters": { "appId": { "type": "String", "value": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" }, "appSecret": { "type": "String", "value": "" }, "appServiceName": { "type": "String", "value": "StebjeUniverse2023CopilotAS" }, "appType": { "type": "String", "value": "UserAssignedMSI" }, "existingAppServicePlanLocation": { "type": "String", "value": "" }, "existingAppServicePlanName": { "type": "String", "value": "" }, "newAppServicePlanLocation": { "type": "String", "value": "westus" }, "newAppServicePlanName": { "type": "String", "value": "Universe2023CopilotASP" }, "newAppServicePlanSku": { "type": "Object", "value": { "capacity": 1, "family": "S", "name": "S1", "size": "S1", "tier": "Standard" } }, "tenantId": { "type": "String", "value": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" }, "umsiName": { "type": "String", "value": "Universe2023CopilotId" }, "umsiResourceGroupName": { "type": "String", "value": "Universe2023CopilotRG" } }, "parametersLink": null, "providers": [ { "id": null, "namespace": "Microsoft.Web", "providerAuthorizationConsentState": null, "registrationPolicy": null, "registrationState": null, "resourceTypes": [ { "aliases": null, "apiProfiles": null, "apiVersions": null, "capabilities": null, "defaultApiVersion": null, "locationMappings": null, "locations": [ "westus" ], "properties": null, "resourceType": "serverfarms", "zoneMappings": null }, { "aliases": null, "apiProfiles": null, "apiVersions": null, "capabilities": null, "defaultApiVersion": null, "locationMappings": null, "locations": [ "westus" ], "properties": null, "resourceType": "sites", "zoneMappings": null } ] } ], "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "templateHash": "xxxx", "templateLink": null, "timestamp": "2023-10-19T17:55:24.012856+00:00", "validatedResources": null }, "resourceGroup": "Universe2023CopilotRG", "tags": null, "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments" } ```

5. Create an Azure Bot resource in the resource group. The ARM template is located in "./templates/template-botResource.json" and the input parameters are in "./templates/parameters-template-botResource.json".

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~5min

[!IMPORTANT] Update the following parameters inside ./templates/parameters-template-botResource.json:

  • azureBotId.value - a globally unique name, e.g. <yourGitHubHandle>Universe2023CopilotBot
  • botEndpoint.value - the messaging endpoint for your bot; https://<appServiceName>
  • appId.value - the clientId of the identity resource created earlier
  • UMSIName.value - the name of the identity resource created earlier
  • UMSIResourceGroupName.value - the resourceGroup of the identity resource created earlier
  • tenantId.value - the tenantId of the identity resource created earlier
Cheatsheet ##### Command ```sh az deployment group create --resource-group "Universe2023CopilotRG" --template-file ./templates/template-botResource.json --parameters ./templates/parameters-template-botResource.json ``` ##### Expected output ```json { "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/Universe2023CopilotRG/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/template-botResource", "location": null, "name": "template-botResource", "properties": { "correlationId": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx", "debugSetting": null, "dependencies": [], "duration": "PT7.9925706S", "error": null, "mode": "Incremental", "onErrorDeployment": null, "outputResources": [ { "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/Universe2023CopilotRG/providers/Microsoft.BotService/botServices/StebjeUniverse2023CopilotBot", "resourceGroup": "Universe2023CopilotRG" } ], "outputs": null, "parameters": { "appId": { "type": "String", "value": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" }, "appType": { "type": "String", "value": "UserAssignedMSI" }, "azureBotId": { "type": "String", "value": "StebjeUniverse2023CopilotBot" }, "azureBotRegion": { "type": "String", "value": "global" }, "azureBotSku": { "type": "String", "value": "F0" }, "botEndpoint": { "type": "String", "value": "" }, "tenantId": { "type": "String", "value": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" }, "umsiName": { "type": "String", "value": "Universe2023CopilotId" }, "umsiResourceGroupName": { "type": "String", "value": "Universe2023CopilotRG" } }, "parametersLink": null, "providers": [ { "id": null, "namespace": "Microsoft.BotService", "providerAuthorizationConsentState": null, "registrationPolicy": null, "registrationState": null, "resourceTypes": [ { "aliases": null, "apiProfiles": null, "apiVersions": null, "capabilities": null, "defaultApiVersion": null, "locationMappings": null, "locations": [ "global" ], "properties": null, "resourceType": "botServices", "zoneMappings": null } ] } ], "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "templateHash": "xxxxxxx", "templateLink": null, "timestamp": "2023-10-19T18:07:03.391786+00:00", "validatedResources": null }, "resourceGroup": "Universe2023CopilotRG", "tags": null, "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments" } ```

6. Update the configuration variables (.env) for the Azure bot

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~2min

[!IMPORTANT] Update the following values inside .env:

  • MicrosoftAppId - the clientId of the identity resource created earlier
  • MicrosoftAppTenantId - the tenantId of the identity resource created earlier
  • OpenApiKey - your OpenAI API key (if available)
Cheatsheet ##### Command ```sh cp .env.sample .env ``` ##### `.env` file content ```sh MicrosoftAppType=UserAssignedMSI MicrosoftAppId="" MicrosoftAppPassword= MicrosoftAppTenantId="" OpenApiKey= ```

Build & Deployment

1. Prepare project files for deployment

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~3min


  • Install npm dependencies
  • Build web.config file for Azure Bot
  • Compress all the content of the repository to a new .zip file
Cheatsheet ##### Command ```sh npm install ``` ```sh az bot prepare-deploy --lang JavaScript --code-dir "." ``` ```sh zip -r . ```

2. Deploy the Azure Bot as a web app using the zip file as source

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~5min

Cheatsheet ##### Command ```sh az webapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group "Universe2023CopilotRG" --name --src "./" ``` ##### Expected output ```json Getting scm site credentials for zip deployment Starting zip deployment. This operation can take a while to complete ... Deployment endpoint responded with status code 202 { "active": true, "author": "N/A", "author_email": "N/A", "complete": true, "deployer": "ZipDeploy", "end_time": "2023-10-19T18:32:35.3674841Z", "id": "xxxxxxx", "is_readonly": true, "is_temp": false, "last_success_end_time": "2023-10-19T18:32:35.3674841Z", "log_url": "", "message": "Created via a push deployment", "progress": "", "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "received_time": "2023-10-19T18:30:26.6594544Z", "site_name": "StebjeUniverse2023CopilotAS", "start_time": "2023-10-19T18:30:26.8157076Z", "status": 4, "status_text": "", "url": "" } ```

3. Update the node version of the Azure Web App to v18.12.1

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~2min

Cheatsheet ##### Command ```sh az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group "Universe2023CopilotRG" --name --settings WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION=18.12.1 ``` ##### Expected output ```json [ { "name": "WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION", "slotSetting": false, "value": "18.12.1" }, { "name": "MicrosoftAppType", "slotSetting": false, "value": "UserAssignedMSI" }, { "name": "MicrosoftAppId", "slotSetting": false, "value": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" }, { "name": "MicrosoftAppPassword", "slotSetting": false, "value": "" }, { "name": "MicrosoftAppTenantId", "slotSetting": false, "value": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" } ] ```


1. Test your bot using the Azure Web Chat

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~5min


1. Terminate all resources created within the Azure resource group

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~5min

Cheatsheet ##### Command ```sh az group delete --name "Universe2023CopilotRG" ``` ##### Expected output ```json ```

2. List current Codespaces and delete the correct one

:hourglass_flowing_sand: ~2min

[!NOTE] Did you know? You can ask for GitHub-specific suggestions in the Copilot CLI by using the gh? prefix.

Cheatsheet ##### Command ```sh gh codespace list ``` ```sh gh codespace delete --repo ``` ##### Expected output ```sh NAME DISPLAY NAME REPOSITORY BRANCH STATE CREATED AT ubiquitous-cod-9ww4jv5796fxj ubiquitous cod stebje/my-universe-copilot2 main Shutdown 9d ``` ```sh 1 codespace(s) deleted successfully ```
