gitman328 / youtube-upload-mail-reminder

Receive a mail notification if your favorite YouTube channel has upload a video
4 stars 0 forks source link


After Youtube has disabled their mail notification system, i've written this simple mail reminder script. The script uses the XML feed from a channel, to check if a new video has been uploaded.

Requirements on Server/Webspace:


How to get the Channel ID?


This mix of signs and numbers is the channel ID, which is required to paste in textfield 'Channel ID'.


Take note: After adding a new channel and run the script (feed_parser.php), a mail with many content will send.

After that only new videos was displayed in the notification mail.

Last changes:

After Youtube doesn't furthermore export the subscription list as XML file, a function to import the subscription list from Youtube source code was added

To get the Channel ID easier, a function to search it with user name was added. (To use this function php-curl is required)

- A button to show last uploaded videos, in channel list added

If php-curl is installed at Server where the script is running, the video length was shown in notification mail

Some optical improvements in interface and mail conducted

Tags: Youtube, Upload, Mail, Reminder, Notification