giuseppeg / styled-jsx-postcss

Use PostCSS with styled-jsx ๐Ÿ’ฅ
MIT License
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css css-in-js postcss reactjs styled-jsx zeit


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Use PostCSS with styled-jsx ๐Ÿ’ฅ

๐ŸŽ‰ styled-jsx now supports plugins ๐ŸŽ‰

If you are using styled-jsx 2+, please direct your attention to

โš ๏ธ Development is frozen โš ๏ธ

Due to the lack of time I am not able to maintain this project anymore therefore this project would likely lock you to styled-jsx ^0.5.7. As always contributions are more than welcome and I can provide support! FWIW I submitted a proposal to make styled-jsx itself pluggable see zeit/styled-jsx/pull/190


Install the package first.

npm install --save styled-jsx-postcss

Next, add styled-jsx-postcss/babel to plugins in your babel configuration:

  "plugins": [


styled-jsx-postcss extends styled-jsx therefore you don't need to include both โ€“ just add styled-jsx-postcss and you're ready to rock!

Also keep in mind that the PostCSS transformations run on styled-jsx transformed code.

If you're already using styled-jsx and don't want to rename all the import and/or require you can define an alias with webpack (and other module bundlers I believe) like so:

module.exports = {
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      'styled-jsx': 'styled-jsx-postcss'
  // ...


styled-jsx-postcss uses postcss-load-plugins therefore you may want to refer to their docs to learn more about adding plugins

styled-jsx api

styled-jsx-postcss exports all of the modules from styled-jsx.

This mean that you can include styled-jsx-postcss/server or styled-jsx-postcss/style like you would do with Zeit's styled-jsx!

Read the styled-jsx docs.


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