gizmo-platform / gizmo
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BEST Robotics Gizmo

Welcome, lets drive some robots! The Gizmo is an open source and open hardware platform developed in cooperation with the team behind BEST Robotics which you can use to build and control robots. The system is composed of multiple parts including a hardware device that contains the control components, the Gizmo utilities (this repo), the system software that runs on the hardware firmware, and an Arduino library that lets you build custom code to control your robot.


You can find our complete documentation online here which includes introductory programming tutorials, instructions for installing firmware, and guides on how to run practice and competition mode fields.


We're thrilled you're interested in contributing to this ecosystem. For large contributions, we ask that you open an issue first to ensrue that your goals align with a direction we're able to support. This helps make sure nobody does work that we can't accept into the project.

Once you have a go-ahead (or your change is a smaller bugfix or enhancement) please open a pull request to this repo with your commit messages phrased similar to the ones that are already here. New to git? No problem, just send what you have and we can walk you through refactoring your work.